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OSBot 2.3.29 - Banking, ItemDefinitions, Trading and more


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  • Developer

Dear community,


This update contains quite a few updates. Besides a couple of API updates / additions we wanted to make we also faced some changes in OSRS that caused some issues. We are happy to release this so enjoy!


The following patches are included in this update:


@Maxi's changes:
-Applet resize issue has been resolved
-PolygonArea getRandomPoint() method patched
-Fixed bank scrolling
-Fixed item definition issues that occurred as of the latest OSRS update
-Patched Trade API to correctly access the container items + added offer and removal functionality
-Disabled anti-ban while human input is enabled
-Some rare stability issues have been addressed
@Alek's changes:
-EquipmentSlot: Removed actions
--Equipment equip method searches for both "Wield" and "Wear"
-Added PositionFilter
-Added price filter to script browser
-Temporary fix to script selector pack error causing OSBot not to load
-Ensured Quests are opened (not diaries or minigames) while calling Quests methods
-Added Quests method getQuestPoints()
-Deprecated verifyTrade()
-API Docs have been updated
The OSBot team
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