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Everything posted by Czar

  1. only in minigame section in forum
  2. Already answered above but yeah some items don't have any tracking/configs on them including toxic blowpipe, tridents, ring of recoils, dodgy necklaces, BUT with dodgy necklaces it's easier because the item disappears when it runs out so we can always assume a dodgy necklace has >0 charges. On my thiever bot I use dodgy necklaces and I simply ask how many necklaces to bring, usually 3 or so per trip.
  3. Thank you!! And done added all trials gl guys
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes this bot also gets rogue outfit automatically, and has blackjacking support (BETA) and has many more Added all trials glglgl
  5. Thanks!! We worked really hard on it
  6. Done calcified rocks have been added to v208.0, it will automatically go live within <24 hrs enjoy And yes sure I will add custom amethyst rocks
  7. Sounds good will release another version for v213.0 asap. I just need to ask one final question is your chatbox -> game messages -> All (green) or Filtered (yellow) btw? I think the bot relies on game messages to track timer when to feed kitten that's why I'm asking
  8. Awesome!! Gl my friend if you'd like any advice I am always available Ty for logs! I will investigate, judging from the last part it seems the bot is fighting to open inventory tab and world hop at the same time, I will correct this ASAP. I believe world hop is overriden and set to enabled by default for shilo because the fish like to disappear there and I had many people wonder why it won't fish there (the fish are gone xD). And for kittens I can set it to maybe feed every 2-3 minutes instead? I am open to any ideas EDIT: Also guys I forgot to mention, next update will have 3-tick fishing!!! Only works on stealth injection for now, but it will come to mirror too
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Legend dude!!! Keep up the great work. I am working on adding the new wilderness course Drops system with anti-pk atm, looks like it's an incredible moneymaker
  10. Done enjoy What happened, I will help/fix any problems you find, I recently added an update to Shilo village, tell me what's going on in the bot and if there's an error in the logger, usually it tells us if any items are missing or something in here:
  11. Best way is to review open source code and modify it to your liking, here's the best place: Snippets - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting
  12. You are amazing bro the world needs more people like you
  13. The bot should be running north to reset aggro ^^ Which spot are ya at? I'll double check and confirm.
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