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Everything posted by Zappster

  1. Very impressive Fruity keep up the good work
  2. Maybe a worker but na, he owns a shop lol
  3. Zappster

    VIP Issue

    http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients Press "Pay now" for VIP
  4. This is like the same as scamming, we should dispute this
  5. Yes you can. You don't need 32gb of ram tho lol. Focus on a server with a better CPU.
  6. Just from first glance I notice that in every state you are doing something with the bank. I bet you've got a little confused with the logic and somewhere it's just not exiting correctly, may I offer a suggestion to your logic? Start with the states and rewrite them. Have one state that handles all banking. Within that state you'll have your checks too see what item you need (can set as a global variable and call from within the case) and then proceed to withdraw them. Your next state should be prepare. In here you'll maybe also have another global var set after banking which tells you what part of prep you are at. In here it will contain the logic for adding the ingredients together. Another state you may want is a Walking state. This will handle walking from the place to cook -><- to the bank. The final state will be cooking. This is where you look for uncooked pizzas, and if none exist, you simply set your walking state. You have a lot of repeating actions which can be reduced to help with the logic.
  7. Yes, I'm up for this. I missed the start of this season but I'll be probs getting the 2k to do the tourny this season. I can do DT first day if anyone else can power it.
  8. Some people tell me you're the best mod OSBot has ever seen. What things would you say stand out in your career whilst here? I'm still relativly new to the forums and would like to know some your accomplishments.
  9. I'm not the OP but I'd like to throw my 2 cents in. Programming has a very high entry barrier. Which means, you need to force your mind into abstract thinking. Quite difficult at first when you don't understand how a program works. Every developer you ever meet will be self taught. They may have learnt the basics from school/college etc but aside from that, everything else needs to be self taught. Luckily enough, programmers are keen to share the information on how to program for free. We are eager for you to join us in the market and we will help you with whatever issues you have, as long as you can provide proof that you atleast tried. Believe it or not, this is the only career that has this option. You can learn for free and go off and make irl bank. Can't really do that if you want to be a doctor! If you are completely new to programming, check out code academy. I recomend it to everyone who shows a slight interest in learning the basics. You need to learn about if statments, loops, operators and variable types. Once you know those you can conquor the world, one line at a time. Video's help, but you'll learn more by actually doing. Get Intellij downloaded and get playing around. It becomes really easy once you get over that wall. If you can do 2 hours a day, you'll grasp it in no time.
  10. Nice guide but Mass botting is retarded. *cough* 400 cow bots want to talk to you
  11. And so it begins. The great OSBot civil war.
  12. Seriously, how the fuck are you mod
  13. Lol does no body ready the full thread??
  14. Q-Tip for sure. Just thinking about the tooth pick in the nail makes me cringe already. Would you rather get explosive diarrhea every time you meet your boss or every time you meet your SO’s parents?
  15. Support give him s1 if he still has scripts on SDN
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