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Everything posted by Zappster

  1. Bumblee bee apple reporting in
  2. Zappster

    Custom PCs

    CPU: i7 4790 GPU: Gtx 980 Ram: 2x8gb DDR3 MB: Z97 Cooler: H100i Case: NZXT Memory: 1x256gb SSD, 1x500gb HDD I need more memory
  3. Well you can't exactly recover gold from a gold sale, and going via the propper routes you can ensure yourself that a gold sale/scirpt sale will not leave you in the red. Accounts are different and the reason you see so many account scams because that's litterly the only thing you can scam with these days. You are right, there will maybe be another problem in 5 days, but you don't hear about the 100's of account trades that went fine.
  4. No sorry, I'm against this. For every 100 successful sales there will be 1 scam There are plenty of legit people who farm accounts to sell to farmers/botters.
  5. I'm fucking disgusted in this
  6. Pak Yak is defending him. Scum bags both of them Edit: This is a shot from before, user Bazooka was kicked from the chat by Pak yak for stating Jonny has scammed
  7. Pms between me and Jonny on RS
  8. Just report him, let the mods deal with him. OT: What's a sythe?
  9. Well done ! Keep at it and you'll be up in no time
  10. Zappster

    my cc

    imo bad idea to even think like that. You've now got a direct link from your OSBot alais -> RS Alias And to think that Jagex won't monitor that CC is just ignorant. RS's ToS state they hold the right to ban your account for whatever reason they wish. If I was a jagex employee and I see this thread, I can tell right away that high titled users use this CC, staff use it and it's quite active (10+ on at all times) Not many people knew about the cc, the only way you could have got it was by being active in the chatbox. Now it's on the front page of the website. But that's none of my concern I guess. Edit: Also, I've heard of peoples main getting banned when they had 0 to do with botting, but they ended up getting caught in a chain ban. Think that won't happen here?
  11. Zappster

    my cc

    Goodjob on publicly displaying your username On the most active RS Botting site Where jagex come and see what we're up too Hi mod mat k
  12. Vouch, just bought 400m + I went first (all at once)
  13. I've placed @Saiyan in TWC. He's been notified to reply here. Ive hidden some things from your post to respect the disputed members identity. We suspect Keven may be involved.
  14. Put mule.bat file inside C:/users/%USERNAME%/OSBot/mule/mule.bat String filePath = "C:/users/%USERNAME%/OSBot/mule/mule.bat"; try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
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