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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/17 in all areas
Hellos Disputed member: jejemoeder Thread: N/A Sold jejemoeder 50m in chatbox few days ago (might have to look at logs n stuff) and he has decided to chargeback the payment: *hidden* What a nob9 points
Several bugs were fixed ~40 minutes ago. Still working on another bug. Edit: Fixed.7 points
INFO A tool that will import a list of accounts in the format: user:pass user:pass user:pass And check the accounts status of each account using web requests made to the Runescape website. Accounts are checked and written to two output files in the selected directory: Selected Directory/Banned_Accounts.txt user:pass ban_message user:pass ban_message Selected Directory/Safe_Accounts.txt user:pass user:pass IMAGES DOWNLOAD http://www.mediafire.com/file/vmmb5ci96fa4764/BanChecker.jar NOTES No, this does not steal your account info. Feel free to decompile it if you're worried, I have chosen not to obfuscate it. I can add proxy support if people really want it.5 points
Decided to make a video of why I chose graphics and the experience I had to go through: Sorry if I appeared as arrogant btw guys, didn't mean to incase you think that.5 points
βCzarScripts #1 Bots β Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β LATEST BOTS β If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread4 points
3 points
The web request stuff I wrote supports proxies already so it will be easy to implement, Ill post here when I add it. Then the account list will have optional: user:pass:ip:port:user:pass3 points
You're right. We do know what to do and we've already told you to refund him. If non of you have anything useful to say, dont post it in the dispute. Arguing for the sake of arguing is wasting time.3 points
3 points
Brought to you by the #1 most sold script series on the market. Come and see why everyone's choosing Czar Scripts! This is the most advanced Agility bot you will find anywhere. $9.99 SCRIPT INSTRUCTIONS Optimal Setup for the bot: Please set the mouse zoom to far away (to the left, like below) so that more obstacles can be seen in the view, and so the script can be more stable and reliable Also, make sure to have roofs toggled off (either go to settings tab or type ::toggleroof) for optimal results2 points
Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports all rooftops (Draynor, Al-Kharid, Varrock, Canafis, Falador, Seers, Polivneach, Relekka, Ardougne) - Supports most courses (Gnome stronghold, Shayzien basic, Barbarian stronghold, Ape toll, Varlamore basic, Wilderness (Legacy), Varlamore advanced, Werewolf, Priffddinas) - Supports Agility pyramid - All food + option to choose when to eat - (Super) Energy potions + Stamina potions support - Progressive course/rooftop option - Waterskin support - Option to loot and sell pyramid top - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 463:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename DISCORDFILE= discordSettings Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot manager you do not need to specify '-script 463'): -script 463:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 463:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 463:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord, leave 2nd parameter empty) Proggies:2 points
Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports all 3 boats - Attack portals, defend knight mode - Repair mode (No HP exp mode) - Potions support - Sets auto casting spell after dying - Use Special attack weapons - Only attack monsters mode (Good for low cb players) - Uses quick prayer (make sure to setup before starting) - Worldhopper - Points spender - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 589:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot manager you do not need to specify -script 589): -script 589:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 589:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 589:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord)2 points
reupload https://www.sendspace.com/file/9lrngn make your paint in this and copy the code to your own paint method2 points
2 points
not sure why you want to do it but something like this is probably the most efficient, performance-wise private boolean isLoaded(Position pos) { return pos.getX() > getMap().getBaseX() && pos.getX() < (getMap().getBaseX() + 104) && pos.getY() > getMap().getBaseY() && pos.getY() < getMap().getBaseY() + 104; } Regions are 104x104 EDIT: Didn't test above method, btw2 points
and you think obama didn't kill "so much people" The bombing campaigns he had killed hundreds of thousands/millions in the middle east2 points
2 points
am i an exception cuz this current pair im wearing i could literally lounge around in all fuckin day man theyre some god damn comfy i swear2 points
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2 points
I know it's a shitty situation if you're convinced that he did it, and it really sucks for you if you're correct but the fact is that we don't know that and without sufficient evidence in this situation we can't force a refund from him. Of course if the situation repeats itself and it gets quite obvious then our ruling might be different.2 points
Strange, I drop my inventory horizontally when playing and botting and I haven't been banned for over 2 years.2 points
'the intelligent choice' By @Czar CURRENT RECORD: 201 HOURS ALSO SUPPORTS SANDSTONE MINING & GRANITE MINING AT THE HOPPER. Lifetime updates and support, request a feature either on the main thread or on our active discord! For advice and strategies, join our discord! You can also purchase the bot with GP if you'd like. 84 HOUR PROGRESS ON A LEVEL 20 ACCOUNT Suicided account with mirror mode near rock crabs, 81 mining! I will probably go for 99 Even supports Ancient Essence Crystal mining! Preview: Mine 1 drop 1 item drop pre-hover feature: (it's faster in the actual update)1 point
This is an AIO (All-in-one) bot that has almost every thieving style except blackjack, ask for a free trial by liking thread or making a post! Vyres and elves are now supported! Both can make solid profit per hour, decent passive income! BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! WE ARE THE MOST SOLD THIEVING BOT IN OSBOT HISTORY. MOST REPLIES, MOST USERS, LONGEST PROGGIES #1 Thiever | Most Overall Sales | Most Total Replies | Most Results | 7+ Years Maintained | 'the intelligent choice' by Czar NOW SUPPORTS VYRES ONLY SCRIPT ON OSBOT AND OTHER CLIENTS THAT HAS FULL VYRE PICKPOCKETTING WITH SWITCHING. BOT SWITCHES VYRE NOBLE AND ROGUE OUTFIT APPROPRIATELY 224M made in a single sitting of 77 hours 1.1B made from elves and vyres!! ELVES SUPPORTED TOO! (NEW) 2.1m/hr, 6 crystals in 7 hrs 99 THIEVING MANY MANY TIMES, 35M EXP IN ONE BOTTING RUN!! 99 thieving in ~43k xp (12 minutes remaining)! Just got 99 proggy! Gratz to @iz0n THIEVING PET AT LVL 22 FROM TEA STALLS 11.5 HOURS, WITH PET TOO!! 610k/hr getting 99s on deadman worlds!1 point
24 hour progress report!! Setup Window Highly intuitive and visual, and easy to use! Portal Prediction knows which portals are going to drop - prioritises them! Full Void in <24 hours It takes only 850 points for full void, go go go! Screenshots & Results1 point
PPOSB - AIO Hunter Brand new trapping system just released in 2024! *ChatGPT Supported via AltChat* https://www.pposb.org/ ***Black chinchompas and Black salamanders have been added back*** Supports the completion of Varrock Museum & Eagle's Peak OR CLICK HERE TO PAY WITH 07 GOLD! The script has been completely rewritten from the ground up! Enjoy the all new v2 of the script JOIN THE DISCORD CHAT FOR QUESTIONS/ SUPPORT/ CHATTING/ UPDATES! New GUI: Features: Click Here Current functioning hunter tasks: (green - complete || yellow - started || red - incomplete) Screenshots: Progressive Leveling: 1-19 --> Crimson swift 19-43 --> Tropical wagtail 43-63 --> Falconry 63+ --> Red chinchompas Updates How to setup Dynamic Signatures Report a bug CLI Support - The script now supports starting up with CLI. The commands are given below. Please put in ALL values (true or false) for CLI to work properly. Make sure they are lowercase values, and they are each separated with an underscore. The script ID for the hunter bot is 677. Parameters: EnableProgression_EnableVarrockMuseum_EnableEaglesPeak_EnableGrandExchange Example: -script 677:true_true_false_true ***Don't forget to check out some of my other scripts!*** OSRS Script Factory Click here to view thread LEAVE A LIKE A COMMENT FOR A TRIAL The script is not intended for Ironman accounts. It still works for Ironman accounts, but you must have all equipment, gear, and items.1 point
40 attack, 99 str, 99 range. 1 def/pray too. Want mith gloves too. *hand done* *I'll provide supplies as well as a fresh account* Post time frames + prices, won't be contacting anyone over skype as this is just a price check atm.1 point
Trumps a bad president so is Hilary we will see where America will move next couple of Years gonna be Interesting for sure1 point
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1 point
Skinny jeans eh I guess you know the answer. Regular jeans nop Ripped jeans only grills should wear1 point
1 point
Pretty sure i've told you to remind us before. Sorry for being human.1 point
1 point
@@Sysm he and his workers can do this fo sure1 point
1 point
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1 point
see this is where I would call someone like you a literal fucking retard, but I'm feeling nice today, so I'm just gotta drop the you're really, really autistic and leave you be.1 point
1 point
Welcome, I have listed below all of the forum ranks and what they stand for so you can navigate your way around the forums successfully and this should help you understand who you need to contact if you need a script made or need help with a payment ect. Developer Responsible for various aspects in developing the bot and services. Each developer has a specialty that ranges from developing the client, to working on the server, fixing bugs, features such as web walking and mirror-mode, etc. Developers have elevated permissions, however much of the administration is left to the Community Administrator. Current Development Team: @Maxi @MGI @Zach @Patrick Administrator Just like moderator they keep the forums clean and safe, however administrators also have an extended amount of power. They not only manage forum issues such as refunds, promotions and fixing forum issues, but also the website, advertising, and all other projects. Current Administrator: @Maldesto Super Moderator Super Moderators have the same responsibilities as a Global Moderator, just with a few added Administrator responsibilities. They are responsible for dealing with user issues, payment issues and moderating areas of the forums which require a lot of attention. They have the power to edit users ranks, bans and even change a users password. They make sure that the Global and other ranks are doing their job, and that forum issues are taking care of promptly. There will only ever be a maximum of 3 Super mods. Currently on the Super Moderator Team: @Gunman Global Moderator Global Moderators manage the general forums. They have access to a unique Moderator Control Panel that gives them the ability to edit, ban and research a user. They are experts on the rules and are the ones that keep the forum clean. They are expected to handle reports, move and lock topics, as well as warn members for inappropriate or rule breaking behavior. They are also to assist with bot issues when possible. Currently on the Global Moderator Team: @Mio Trial Moderator Trial Moderators manage the general forums much like Forum Moderators. They are starting moderators who are being tested to see their output and effort before receiving higher ranks. They manage the same things Forum Moderators manage, they're just less experienced and , as the rank says, a "trial" to see how they handle the position. The current Trial Moderator Team is: Ex-Staff The Ex-Staff rank is for respected Staff members that served OSBot considerably. They left respectfully, or without causing direct harm to OSBot. They have also served as Global/Super/Forum Mod or Administrator. No other ranks will receive the Ex-Staff Pip. @Oliver @Nick @Arctic @Khaleesi @Raflesia @Master Chief @Mikasa @Smart @Asuna @Solution @Eliot @ProjectPact @Alek @Dex @Decode @Chris @Night @Lost Panda @Malcolm @Muffins @Space Veteran These are members of OSBot who have been here from the beginning and have respectfully been active and helped the growth of OSBot. Pm @Maldesto if you meet the requirements. Registration Date: Jan 1st, 2016 cut off date. Post Count: 500 or above. Activity/Contribution: Judged by staff team. Sponsor Sponsor is a highly exclusive rank that can be purchased from the store for $55.99 per 6 months. This works out at $9.33 per month which is cheaper than VIP ($9.99) the only catch is that you must pay the $55.99 upfront for the 6 month subscription. The features are listed below: - Unlimited botting tabs - No advertisements on the bot client and website! - 6 month rank (Larger amounts will result in longer time)! - 15% discount on all premium scripts - Changeable user title - Special private forum - Unlimited private messages, files sizes and display name changes -Sexy blue glowing name - More to come in future! Lifetime Sponsor - All the benefits of the Sponsor rank. - Lasts for as long as the existence of this forum! $100 / $250 / $500 Donor Donor is a highly exclusive rank that can be obtained by donating $100, $250, or 500$ to OSBot through the donation page. To donate, click here. - Sexy PiP -Sexy Glow V.I.P VIP can also be purchased from the store for $9.99/month. This status gives you many perks which are essential to goldfarmers and hardcore botters! I have also listed the features below: - Use unlimited bot tabs! - No advertisements on the website and bot client! - 10% discount on all premium script purchases! - Unique purple username to get recognized! - A special private forum! -Sexy purple name - One free display name change per month! Scripter Ranks Scripter I Rank Entry-level rank and assigned to scripters upon the release of their first script. Benefits include client VIP privileges. Must maintain an active script on the SDN. Scripter II Rank Scripter I members may apply for this rank provided they have at least one month on the forums. The Scripter II application consists of a Java & OSBot API test. Benefits include VIP client privileges and the ability to release premium scripts. Must maintain an active script on the SDN. Scripter III Rank Scripter III members represent OSBot's scripting elite. Scripter II members may apply for this rank provided they have at least three months on the forums and 3 active scripts on the SDN. In order to be promoted to this rank, a scripter will require very deep understanding of the OSBot API, programming in general, as well as having valuable novel contributions to our SDN. Benefits include VIP client privileges, ability to release premium script, and the opportunity to work in special duties such as Script Officer. Script Officer Rank Script Officers are responsible for managing various facets of the scripting community including administering tests, checking script/scripter activity, and running the SDN. Script Officers that manage the SDN have elevated privileges. Current Script Officer: @Token Designer This is given to the users that help our artists in the Graphics Section grow. They post tutorials, help other users, and display their own graphics for all to see. They have a good amount of experience with graphics and love what they do. SOTW Winner Win a week of SOTW and get this as the prize! The users with this rank have been able to create a tag/signature that was better than the rest, voted on by you, the members. Verified Ranks If you have a negative feedback, you will not be eligible for verified ranks! Verified ranks are given to those active and trusted within the market place. The requirements for each are listed below: Verified MiddleMan Rank You cannot have an open or solved dispute against you with the ruling that you have scammed. You must have at least 250 positive feedback. You must have completed 100 transactions as a middleman. You must have unique feedback to prove your transactions took place. (Multiple feedbacks from a single member will not count towards your completed transactions). Currently hold a rank of VIP/Sponsor/$100.00 Donor. Verified Services Rank Currently hold a rank of VIP/Sponsor/$100.00 Donor. Have a minimum of 400 posts. Hold at least 150 positive feedback within your service with no open dispute of a ruled scamming or negative feedback that rightfully states you've scammed. (This does not include "late services" etc.) Hold an active thread with at least 75 feedback for the service(s) stated within. Verified Transactor Rank Currently hold a rank of VIP/Sponsor/$100.00 Donor. Hold at least 150 positive feedback with no open dispute of a ruled scamming or negative feedback that rightfully states you've scammed. Hold an active rsgp/osgp selling/buying thread that has produced at least 75 unique, positive feedback. (Multiple feedbacks from a single member will not count towards this). If you meet the requirements to any of these ranks you may send a Super Mod or Admin a private message directly. If granted, you will receive one of these beautiful userbars.1 point