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  1. I’ve borrowed a bit of information from @Juggles’s thread as well as @Slawa I wanted to do this because of this post http://osbot.org/forum/topic/107770-how-to-start-a-gold-farm/ I am not saying that he is wrong on everything (Though I disagree with a lot) He did have some correct information posted that I will elaborate on. This is not some way to make a ton of money botting. Learn that yourself. But, this definitely will give you some areas to improve on with your botting and things to think about. I will not tell you anything that I do, but I will give you things to think about if you’d like to be successful here. I keep seeing posts that are like “How do I bot?” and then people reply to it giving them useless information. Then I see posts that are like “This is how you bot!” which also, give useless information. I am not going to tell you guys how to gold farm, that would be completely retarded for me to do. However, I will give you some things to think about. Before I actually begin, if you think this is going to be a free pass to replace your part time job, it is not. You will make more at McDonalds with less effort. In the long run, it is very worth it. But it is a lot of work to get there. Initial information: If you can’t program you are never going to make it far botting unless you have a lot of money or A LOT of time. Private scripts are not going to stop your bans. Proxies will not stop your bans. Mules will not stop your rwt bans. Mass botting is retarded. You will need the ability to run a script. Unless you’re able to farm accounts that make back 3x their initial investment or more, a vps/server is a waste of money and I’d suggest a spare computer. Finding methods: Honestly, the only way you’re going to find a method is by looking and trying things out. I seriously can not comprehend how fucking stupid some people are when they continually ask for methods. It isn’t that hard, literally look at the rs wiki if you’re seriously that bad a the game and are unable to determine what you would like to bot. http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Money_making_guide Selecting a method: Research. You need to do research as to if this is realistic for you. If you don’t know how to research these things, give up now. You will never make any money. Things to consider; Getting accounts Requirements for them (Stats, Quests, Items, Gold, etc) A script Cost of running the accounts Compare the initial investment (time & money into the accounts) to the future investments (again, time & money) to the profit of the accounts. Then decide, is it worth it? Getting a script: A private script is not going to reduce your bans significantly. It will help, sure. But there’s a lot more to it. However, you should still get a private script as you can make the method more efficient than one that’s on the sdn or available for free. This will make you more money. You also need to select a scripter. As to how you determine whether or not a scripter is a good choice for your project, that’s on you. Look into their previous scripts, etc. Running the accounts: You just run them (There is no special anti ban that’s just going to stop your bans. It is trial and error) Nobody is going to help you. You WILL get banned You WILL lose money at first Decide if you need proxies or not Decide if you want to run more than 1 account (OSBot limits bot sessions to 1 or 2 at once unless you’re vip) If you want to make any money, YOU need to figure it out. Because why in THE FUCK would anyone give you their method to make money? Then you will just go ahead and steal their shit like the lazy fuck you are. Stop wasting your time begging to be spoon fed because you’re too poor and lazy to try and learn something. Bans Trial and error. Plain and simple. When you get banned, you need to think. Think about WHY you got banned, don’t post on the forums whining like a little bitch about how you lost 10 dollars. Think about why you got banned, try something. Fail, try again, Fail, try again, Succeed. Wow! Not so hard, nice one now you make money. Keep going, maybe you can join us at the top eventually. Proxies: All proxies do is stop chain bans. Nothing else. If you are botting one account and playing on a main account at the same time on 1 ip, there is no reason for you to use a proxy. If you are botting 2 accounts at once on the same ip you're better off using proxies as your ban chance will be 2x as if you were running 1 account. If you are botting 3 accounts at once on the same ip, your ban chance is 3x as if you were running 1 account. Hence at once. If you think this makes no sense; there is no difference in ban rates when you're botting agility or botting rock crabs or cutting trees. It's all the same. For example, if you were botting 3 accounts on 1 ip and those 3 are doing agility, rock crabs and oak trees. If the oak cutter gets banned first, your agility bot and rock crabs are also banned. It's the same as if the rock crab account got banned first, you also lose the other 2. Why? When an account is banned, every other account from that ip that's logged in is going to be checked for botting and banned if it is. Yes, I am saying that if you rotate accounts logged in at the same time you don't need proxies. Ip flags are not real. You can argue with me if you want to, but I don't give a shit. I make money botting, you probably don’t if you’re reading this. Saving time: Organization is how you are going to save time. Everyone organizes differently. Do what suits you best, but it will help. You will waste a ton of time if you pay 10 different people to do services for you and then forget who’s doing what. Personally, I like Skype. I made a separate skype account I use for notes. I keep it logged in on my phone. Keep in mind that Skype accounts can be hacked, so if you do this I suggest you make a 2nd Skype you only keep close friends/business partners on . for example. There’s a ton of other ways to keep organized, but that’s your call. Some things to keep in mind are; account creation dates, emails attached, password history method that it’s botting, proxy attached (if using one), Using CLI (Command line interface) to run accounts (I don’t use osbot, so don’t ask me how to do this. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/100378-osbot-24678-bot-farming-made-easy-cli-finished/ You can find information on it here. Pay people to do services for you, doing them yourself is a waste of time. Get an account creator (Hire a freelancer to have it create accounts for you on the website) Get a script to buy items that you’ll require on the account for each method. Things that helped me / will help you: When I started botting, @Pain helped me. He told me that I should have the account made entirely legitimately until it’s completely ready to bot. This helped me a lot because I was making money from the start instead of getting banned training. Ensure you have competition. If you have competition and a will to succeed, you’ll work harder at it. Make some friends. I was alone botting at first, I figured things out very quickly. But working alone is not a good idea. You are limited to one train of thought. If you bot with people you get the benefit of a 2nd mind helping you. You get to discuss, you get to spark ideas in the other person’s head which then spark ideas in your own. People will fuck you over, but that’s how this works. You get fucked over until you meet the people that you stick with. When working in a team, make sure that you equally contribute so nobody feels upset, used, betrayed, etc and then decides to leave and actually fuck you over. If you’re leeching, you will never go anywhere. Splitting scripts. I am anything but poor, so this will be of a larger benefit to the majority of people. (I’m not trying to brag, but I had a lot of money prior to farming runescape, this was never a problem for me. However, a lot of the larger scripts that were purchased by Pain and I were over $500, and some over $1000. This isn’t meant to be bragging or me being arrogant; but I am certain that most people can’t afford to drop $500 on a script. But if you had partners, that’s now $250 each, or $125 each, etc.) Stop caring about the game. Your accounts are not accounts to you, they generate money for you and they cost money to run. Don’t put all your eggs in 1 basket. Be sure that the method you bot has longevity. You don’t want to bot something retarded like Saltpetre that has a guaranteed decrease in price & demand as time goes on. Not all of you will make a lot of money here. This is not for everyone, because you can’t be stupid if you want to succeed. The smartest people are the ones who make the most everywhere in the world, including the cheating scene on games. I’m not saying that if you aren’t making money that you’re stupid. I’m just saying it isn’t going to be super easy. For some people, botting is really easy. But I guarantee you that they study computer science or have been programming for quite a long time and are not limited to scripting capability. If you have any questions, a large majority of them are answered on @Juggles’s gold farming guide thread. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104173-guide-to-gold-farmin/ Is the link. I’ll put the FAQ in a spoiler in case you would like to save time.
    6 points
  2. ♔CzarScripts #1 Bots ♔ Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. ♔ LATEST BOTS ♔ If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread
    4 points
  3. conclusion: just give this guy head 1 time and he vouches for you.
    4 points
  4. I've been having small goldfarms on & off for a few years now and thought id give something back to the community. First of all sorry for my English, it sucks. This is a guide for beginners. I will add more stuff to this guide whenever I have time. Feel free to ask questions. Also check those guides: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104173-guide-to-gold-farmin/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/107775-gold-farming-tips/#entry1208155 Part one: Planning ahead What will I bot? There are many points to consider here. -How long does it take to get a account ready and how much will it cost me? Actual time to setup the account like trading the account for items, bringing it to certain locations etc. -How high is the ban rate? Think about a unique way to farm, to stay out of the radar. AKA don't bot stuff like yew woodcutting. -How much time do I have to invest? Can I bot the required stats to get my account ready? Do I have to do it manually? -Is it mass bottable? Go check the amount of items sold to the GE and ask your self, if you farm a significant amount to crash the prices. If you do, you will most likely be tracked down by jagex and they will start to ban your mules. -How much gold will I make per hour. Get a spread sheet and make some calculators using google drive. (you can let them fetch the prices from the GE API) Part two: Getting the resources -proxys: Don't be a cheapass and buy your self some sock5 proxies. Never use 2 accounts on the same proxy at any time to avoid chain bans. -private script: You will be the only owner of the script and therefore you will be the only person to have the pattern the script uses -accounts: You will need at least 1 mule(don't use a account you care about) and your accounts that will be used for your unique method. Always have backup accounts in case a account gets banned. -Computer/server/VPS: Setup a machine to run the amount of bots you want to run. -get VIP/Sponsor: You will need it to run more than one account at a time. Part three: Make your life easy -use CLI to start your farm with just 1 click -use a google spreadsheet and note all the account names, what they are for, in what stage they are and when you made them member. -pay osbot members to prepare the accounts for you F.A.Q.: Q: What is CLI and how do I use it? A: Basically you open a Editor, add the following flags and values: Then you safe the file, by going to "data -> save as -> name id "something".bat -> change datatype to all data". This is how I setup my CLI if i want to run 3 accounts: java -jar "OSBot.jar" -proxy -login OSBOTUSER:OSBOTPASS -bot 07account@1.com:RSPASS:0000 -script SCRIPTID:0 TIMEOUT /T 40 java -jar "OSBot.jar" -proxy -login OSBOTUSER:OSBOTPASS -bot 07account@2.com:RSPASS:0000 -script SCRIPTID:0 TIMEOUT /T 30 java -jar "OSBot.jar" -proxy -login OSBOTUSER:OSBOTPASS -bot 07account@3.com:RSPASS:0000 -script SCRIPTID:0 TIMEOUT /T 30 I added the TIMEOUT because I had some issues when running multiple bots at the same time. Q: How to get your spreadsheet get prices out of the GE API A: Add this code to your google drive spreadsheet function GetPriceOSRS(id) { return GetPrice('http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/api/catalogue/detail.json?item=', id); } function getPriceRS3(id) { return GetPrice('http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/api/catalogue/detail.json?item=', id); } function GetPrice(url, id) { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + id); var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); price = (''+data['item']['current']['price']).replace(/,/g, ""); if(price[price.length-1] === 'b') price = price.substr(0,price.length-1)*1000000000; else if(price[price.length-1] === 'm') price = price.substr(0,price.length-1)*1000000; else if(price[price.length-1] === 'k') price = price.substr(0,price.length-1)*1000; return parseInt(price); } Shout out to @@Flamezzz for making this code. You do this by going to "tools -> scripteditor" (look at this guide and replace the code with mine if this does not work) Now you can use "=GetPriceOSRS(ITEMID)" to get the current price. You finde the ITEMID by going to http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/
    3 points
  5. Okay so I moved into my new place on the 1st of October, it's the 6th now and the shit that happens around here is retarded. First night, right outside my window I see a group of thirteen year olds playing with fireworks. Second night, I live in a residential area with no forests etc nearby for miles. See a group of foxes strolling through the street. Third day, I see a three year old playing on the road by himself. Fourth day, Next door neighbor throws bread outside and now all I hear is fucking seagulls. Fifth day, look outside to see a empty wheelchair in the bushes. Worst move for me.
    3 points
  6. mfw when i see posts by you, noah, benz, and everyone else i dislike
    3 points
  7. I will make a more indepth version of this cause im bored
    3 points
  8. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports all 3 boats - Attack portals, defend knight mode - Repair mode (No HP exp mode) - Potions support - Sets auto casting spell after dying - Use Special attack weapons - Only attack monsters mode (Good for low cb players) - Uses quick prayer (make sure to setup before starting) - Worldhopper - Points spender - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 589:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot manager you do not need to specify -script 589): -script 589:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 589:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 589:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord)
    2 points
  9. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports banking at 99% of the locations - Task based setup (1-99) - Supports every fish (Shrimps, sardine, herring, anchovies, mackerel, trout, cod, pike,salmon, tuna, lobster, bass, Leaping trout/salmon/sturgeon, swordfish, monkfish, shark, dark crab, angler fish, sacred eel, infernal eel) - Supports almost every bank location (New ones can be requested) (Lumbridge swamp, Al-Kharid Sea, Draynor, Lumbrdige river, barbarian village, shilo village, Catherby, corsair cove, fishing guild, piscatoris, port piscarilius, karamja, jatizso, seers, gnome stronghold, Lands' end, Zul andra, Mor Ul rek) - Fish & bank (Preset) - Fish & bank (Custom) supports almost every location - Fish & Drop (Custom) supports every fishing spot - Barbarian fishing (Select leaping fish at fish & drop) - Cook fish when fire is nearby (Fish & Drop Only) - Minnows support - Karambwans + Karambwanji support - Aerial fishing support - Drift net fishing support - Humanlike idles - Dragon harpoon special - Barehand fishing option - Fishing barrel support - Spirit flakes support - Drop clue bottles support - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 571:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot managers you do not need to specify -script 571): -script 571:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 571:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 571:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord) Proggies:
    2 points
  10. Hi there, welcome to my aio service thread. Payment Methods - 07 RSGP RS3 RSGP Order Form - What do you need? : Payment method? : Going first or middleman? : What is your Skype? : Do you agree to the TOS? : ~ Please inform us if someone else tries to add you claiming to be me, we will never deny a PM for your own safety and will always perform appropriate reports to make sure all imposters get banned! Levelling is also offered just not listed, prices vary based on what needs to be done which is why it isn't listed, to go further with it please contact @Gleets via pm/skype. skype:live:glenn.2dehands Tutorial Island - 150K per account - without custom looks 200K per account - with custom looks Void Sets - Novice - 24M Intermediate - 19M Veteran - 15M Extra helmets - 2.5m-3m each Quest Packages - Mithril gloves - 6M / 7.8M with kitten. Please note, you can add further quests to fit your needs, or exchange a quest as long as it's the same price. Quest Prices - Terms of Service -
    2 points
  11. >MFW i hear feminazis talk >mfw i see @Saiyan try to mod >mfw acerd says he's not a weeb
    2 points
  12. When you're watching one of those 1-hour hardstyle video's there's always some shit like this imagine playing that gif full screen on 3 monitors, animated you're welcome btw
    2 points
  13. why you even do the mail? why you dont just put random mails..you can link the accounts later to your mail..or dont link it at all
    2 points
  14. @Antonio Kala will help you out
    2 points
  15. And so it begins. The great OSBot civil war.
    2 points
  16. Performance wise that's probably exact the same. It just looks more neat ^^
    2 points
  17. everyone is still wondering about that you know this thing..... you can do under the table? .... so no one sees it?
    2 points
  18. guna have to do some research on this
    2 points
  19. Seriously, how the fuck are you mod
    2 points
  20. honestly whoever is the forum admin here should add dislikes.
    2 points
  21. cool thanks that helps a bit the beautiful thing about a forum is you can ignore topics that are going to trigger you. I suggest in the future you ignore forum topics that will cause you to get triggered I worry about your mental health .
    2 points
  22. Mate, do your own fuckin' homework. Ask for help if you need it, but don't just ask someone else to do it for you. If you can't do something this simple and you don't learn it now, you are doomed in 2 months when you take your final.
    2 points
  23. Alright guys, little update for ya! I've got a lot of very important bug fixes coming soon, and I am introducing 1-63 progression
    2 points
  24. @FletchingNL can you explain me how the skype you were talking to (itz_xstxr) has the same IP as your IP on the forum? You have 24 hours to explain or you'll be banend straight away.
    2 points
  25. Looking for a Private Script? Add my discord! Juggles#6302 AIO Shop Buyer http://i.imgur.com/kzB7ZoA.png Have questions? For fast support and latest updates, join the Discord!  https://discord.gg/pub3PEJ What it does: Supports 99% of shops with banking Automatically detects closest banks Automatically detects if f2p or p2p and hops worlds accordingly All bank booths supported Buys an item from the NPC Walks back to the shop after banking. Enable World Hopping Handles any obstacle in the way of you and the NPC Beautiful GUI Logs out when low on money Supports up to 1 different item! Now supports bank chests Coming Soon Tab: [Closed] This is where I will be custom coding specific spots that you can enable that do not fit into the general criteria. I will be taking requests for custom places to add once the script is uploaded to the SDN and when I have free time. List of Banks Supported Instructions on how to start the script **If there is an obstacles in the way such as a door, please start the script inside the shop at least 1 tile away from the obstacle** ** For best results, start the script in the center of the shop away from any walls by at least 1 tile. ** If you are doing F2P, make sure your world order has all the f2p worlds at the top or it will not properly. Required fields in red: * Everything must be typed exactly how it appears in RS including capitals*
    1 point
  26. Explv's OSBot Manager GITHUB: https://github.com/Explv/osbot_manager DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/Explv/osbot_manager/releases Changelog With the latest release of CLI capabilities for OSBot, this manager makes batch script loading easy. Any commit requests are welcome. Features: Completely Open Source: Take a look at the code, or modify it as you please. Simple GUI How to use: First go to to the Bot Settings tab, set the path to your OSBot .jar file, add your OSBot username and password Then go to the runescape accounts tab, and add any runescape accounts you want to use Then go to the scripts tab, and add any scripts you want to use. You can either use the script name (if it is a local script) or the script id (ask the script developer for this) Optionally add any proxies you wish to use on the proxies tab Finally, go to the configurations tab, and add some configurations. These consist of a runescape account, a script, (optionally) a proxy, and any other bot settings. To run a configuration simply select it and hit "Start", or press "Start All" to run all of them. Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-c to copy a row Ctrl-v to paste a row Delete to delete a row Mouse shortcuts: Double click to edit a row Right click to open context menu Importing proxies and rs accounts from files: RS account files must have the format username:password or username:password:pin Proxy files must have the format: ip:port or ip:port:user:password Screenshots:
    1 point
  27. I see a lot of people asking questions about gold farming so I decided to make a simple guide explaining it. These are just the basics that you should know before starting a gold farm. Example of an easy gold farm method 200-400k/hour depending on how many people are doing it. Requirements take less than a day splashing. I used to run 4-5 bots on this before I released it publicly. Here is the thread link:http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102964-magic-guild-buyer/ There are many other methods out there that are simple like this. Tips You will eventually be banned by gold farming. There is no way around it. The key is to profit as much as you can before getting banned. Don't complain when you get banned. Mule the gold every few hours so you do not risk losing out on profits Find a good private script Buy a VPS to increase the size of your farm Do not bot stupid stuff like Blast Furnace or woodcutting and expect to not be banned. No one is going to tell you their gold farm method so do not ask Test things out to see what is profitable. Buy VIP to expand your gold farm(if you plan to run more than 2) If you do not want to pay for a private script, then learn to code yourself. You can be writing your own simple scripts in a few weeks of practicing it. Here is my progression scripting thread http://osbot.org/forum/topic/95239-becoming-a-script-writer/page-1 P2p>F2p. Bond costs should only take a day or less to recover It costs money to make money. Basic FAQ 1) Is OSRS profitable? Yes there is a lot of money to be made in gold farming Runescape. I just read the other day that someone gold farmed enough to get lazer eye surgery to improve their eye sight. Other people have made thousands of dollars from it so it is possible. This does not mean that it is easy though.2) How do I know what is profitable?My suggestion from personal experience is go to around Runescape and find random things that are profitable. There are a lot of things that are not common and make anywhere from 200-500k/hour. I've found many methods that make good money just from exploring osrs.3) What is a private script?It is a script bought by only you4) Should I use a private script or a public script?Private scripts are better because they are unique to only you. If you are wanting to start a gold farm, I strongly suggest buying a private script.5) Where do I buy a private script?Many scripters sell private scripts. Go to the private script section to search for some.6) How do I get the private script to show up?Place it in your Users/Osbot/Scripts folder. Refresh your client and it will appear7) What is a VPS?Basically its something that lets you run more bots. If you have a shitty computer, then get a VPS to run more bots.7) What is a proxy?A proxy is used to change your ip on the client. It does not lower ban rates but it prevents chain bans. This means that all your accounts are not linked on the same IP.9) What is a mule?An account that holds your gold and is not botted10) Will my mule get banned?It is very hard for a mule to get banned( very low chance but still possible)11) What is automated muling?Some people have it coded into their scripts to automatically transfer gold. This is the ultimate gold farming strategy because it lowers the risk of profit loss and allows the user to have less input12) Should I bot f2p or p2p? p2p is the way to go. For some reason p2p bots have a lower ban rate and there are a lot better methods.13) Why should I invest money if I am just going to be banned?If you find a good method and bot smart, you will make profit.14) How many hours a day should I bot?No one knows the answer to this. There's always a risk in botting.15) Does the weekend really have a lower ban rate?From what I have seen, yes it does. Jagex is out of the office during these days. This does not mean you cannot be banned, but I know a lot of people who run huge gold farms starting Friday-Monday morning.16) What are breaks?Breaks are a user selected option that allows you to control how long to bot for and when to not bot. Many people believe that having breaks can reduce the ban rate.17) What is Mirror Mode?It is a VIP only feature that masks the official runescape client so that Jagex cannot detect that you are using a third party app. -- I have no opinion on this--18) What is CLI mode?It is an easier way to gold farm if you are running a lot of bots. I highly suggest using it. Here are the two links to the official release of them and how to use them. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/100378-osbot-24678-bot-farming-made-easy-cli-finished/page-1 http://osbot.org/forum/topic/101897-osbot-2471-low-resource-mode-web-walking-fixes/page-1 19) How is CLI mode useful?It allows you to set up your bots a lot quicker. With one click, you could open up 10 different clients all on different proxies, world selected, and script selected.20) How do I use CLI?Copy and paste this into notepad (fill in the username,password, and pin as they apply). Save the file as a .bat You can add or remove these as you like. If you have any more questions I suggest trying the chatbox java -jar "%recent%" -allow lowresource,lowcpu -login Useraname:Password -bot username:password:pin -script scriptname:para21) Is gold farming really easy?At first no. It takes time to find a good method and to set everything up. It is a lot of checking on your bots and making sure they're running smoothly. The goal in the end is to be able to only spend a few minutes each day and to make a lot of money.22) How much antiban should I have in my script?Little to none. Antiban is fake to draw in users. The best way to reduce your ban rate is to have a flawless script that does not get stuck or repeat actions. Read #4 here in this thread made by @@Alek: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/page-1 23) OMG I got banned, Jagex is too pro what do I do?You are botting, so expect to be banned. Make new accounts and move on.24) Can an account survive for more than a few days? Yes I've had accounts last 40-50 day without getting banned. It's all about botting smart. Here is a picture of an account I botted while making my AIO fighter: 25) Should I check woodcut xp? Always 26) Is Gold Farming stressful?I've actually seen a lot of people ask this question. My answer is it can be if done the wrong way. The point of gold farming is to check your bots every few hours not constantly monitor them and have to worry about 10 accounts.27) What benefits does VIP offer? What is the difference between sponsor and VIP?That is all explained here along with other ranks:http://osbot.org/forum/topic/50019-understanding-the-forum-ranks/ 28) Who should I sell my gold to?I only sell my gold to the big companies like Bogla, Arcus, Kaii, etc. You can also sell to trusted people on here. I would not recommend using PayPal to people who are not trusted.29) How often should I mule the gold over?Safe way is to do it every few hours. If you can get automated muling in your script, then thats even better.30) What should I do while I am running my bots?Go in chatbox and talk More to come in the future. If you see anything missing or have any suggestions, please let me know. If you found this helpful, please drop a like
    1 point
  28. mald said he ip banned him so i'm assuming it's a perm ban he'll be back tho, it's not his first "perm" ban lol
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Nevermind, I take my suggestion back. After some testing it appears that filters are highly inefficient (300 ms vs 3000ms for 10000 loops)
    1 point
  31. It gets converted to the exact same java byte code when its compiled. The only benefit is that it looks more neat ^^
    1 point
  32. GrandExchange API: 1. The biggest change was adding a new method: buyItem(int itemId, String searchTerm, int price, int quantity) It handles literally everything for you including: -Scrolling through items with similar search terms -Going back if you are in sell screen -Resetting search if a term is already entered/not visible 2. buyItem(Box)/sellItem(Box) have had their logic slightly changed, some more automatic stuff in there too. Containers Continuity: Thanks to @Czar for his suggestion. The method isEmptyExcept() is now found in all containers including Bank, Trade, Store, etc. In addition I removed two duplicate Store contains() methods which were similar to the methods found in the super class. Other: -RS2Widget toString() overide with custom return, "root, second, third" -Removed worlds from F2P login list New scripts: -QverkkyAgility by @qverkk -Juggles AIO Shop Buyer by @Juggles -Glorious TzHaar by @Shudsy -HIronMiner by @venetox -Khal Wintertodt by @Khaleesi
    1 point
  33. you've ruined my appetite, thought I'd browse some OSbot while I enjoyed my late dinner. How dare you post such things
    1 point
  34. Use a Socks5 proxy on your test accounts.
    1 point
  35. @RDM I would be interested if the magic was higher, I don't like training and never have the best of luck trying to bot an account I would like to keep. @pixelated I am not too interested in skilling levels since I have plenty of accounts with 99 skills. I am looking for an account thats PK ready that doesn't require training @sysm I'm not interested in accounts that need to be trained. @Starcraft Your account looks like something I would be interested if it had more magic and range. Thank you all Still Looking
    1 point
  36. Zulrah clouds are a RS2Object, you can view the IDs using the "Objects" checkbox in the debug. The mouseover doesn't work as I assume they are rendered different than normal RS2Objects.
    1 point
  37. You seem to be calling "random(xxx, yyy)" when you intend to call "sleep(xxx, yyy)", this will cause a lot of lag especially in the while loops. Try using a ConditionalSleep instead of the while, or a for like: for (int s = 0; s < 10 && someCondition; s++) sleep(100, 200); // Sleeps 1-2s or until someCondition is true Though ConditionalSleeps will be a better solution. I tend to avoid while loops due to these issues they can cause.
    1 point
  38. O snap now that's a bet I might give a little back to the community come Thursday appreciate the reply.
    1 point
  39. i got one, 98 attack 97 str 96 def 98 hp 72 slayer 86 range full void. pm me for more details + screenshot of my stats etc
    1 point
  40. This is a top secret moderator application for @Scotty. Hello my name is Scotty, and I am 20 years old. I am applying for moderator because as a person I genuinely like to help others, and as a regular user I cannot do this. Osbot has gone strength to strength under Maldesto's stewardship, he is a great man. But, it is time for something different, I propose that I lead osbot into a new era. An era full of paint art and flame. What would I do as moderator? I would guarantee these 5 things: Allow pornography Give everyone kick power in the chatbox Free 'how to paint' guides Allow flame Allow hate I hope that you consider my application, I am mature and English is my first language. Thank you, Scotty
    1 point
  41. I like this thread
    1 point
  42. free trial pls oct 10th - still waiting on that trial
    1 point
  43. These are all questions we should be asking ourselves
    1 point
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