My apologies guys, to be frank I share this osbot account with my roommates (totaling 3 different logins) and I personally don't have any issue with paying money or anything and in fact before, I started moving back into my parents house for the rest of summer, I even told a lot of people in the chatbox @Juggles and muffin that I was planning to go lifetime soon. Anywho, we chip in our money (I chip in the most since I'm the only one with a job out of these college bums) to pay for $150+ scripts and VIP.
I was literally gone for only two days and I come back to this. I am sorry guys. One of my roommates was being a dirty Jew trying to do a dispute all of the paypal transactions(not just osbot, literally every single transaction possible). I immediately canceled the disputes that I could and if any got through let me know, I'll pay up with my personal paypal account.
I sincerely apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. I love this community and its scripters!