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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. not any that's in the repository. Private or other clients is the way to go. I've been asking Czar for alch agility since last year, don't know if it was added yet.
  2. There are scripts that does agility while high alching. I guess you could also set up a mouse recorder/clicker to high alch while and agility script runs.
  3. I would offer 15 mil for it, 40 mil if you could give me the e-mail that's attached with it. Hard to bid on 100 post 5 feedback.
  4. For anyone trying to bot agility, I've found great success in doing high alch+agility.
  5. Almost zulrah ready, has a 2-day ban on record though. Offer?
  6. Don't script fletching. You're better off getting a mouse recorder and record different sessions/pattern and loop it.
  7. I found that I could get by fairly easily by doing high alch+agility. Have you tried doing that?
  8. Does anyone know how zulrah runs go with regular void gear and not elite void? In terms of standard void vs blessed d'hide vs barrows gear
  9. Don't bot hunter. Highest banrate of the p2p skills. I've personally never gotten banned with stealth quester with my past 20+ accounts.
  10. Murgee auto clicker has macro recording. Super good! I found that I could even do Teak powerchopping with it for 6 hours a day without ban. Super nice considering WC is pretty easy to get banned for as well once you go over 2 hours.
  11. I'll start the bid at 8mil. Question, what were you doing when you received the 2-day ban? Also, when will the bidding close?
  12. alighty, i'll refrain from investing more time/gp into the account til then. Thanks for the suggestion!
  13. Hey y'all! I was wondering if you guys could share your experience on getting a delay ban. Has anyone suicide botted for a day or two and let the account sit for couple days to see if you'd get banned or not? Just curious because I tried it on a throw-away account as an experiment and suicided for 16 hours straight and it's been doing fine the past two days
  14. Trying to get credibility on here so I’ll do it for 3 mil if you leave a feedback for me afterwards.
  15. I’ll do it for 1 mil if you have the requirements. Pm me
  16. Solo to do it quick. Duo is possible if it’s strongly Desired. I do give free lesson ;^)
  17. Hey guys! End of season for Legends of Legends is approaching! I am trying to improve my credibility on this forum and get some transaction feedbacks so I will be providing super cheap Elo boosting service with flat rates. Bronze to Gold = $40 Silver to Gold = $20 Flat tier(s) boosting no matter which division you're in! I can only take in so many requests so don't be late! Get your championship skins now before the season ends!
  18. @Jordan @TWC My apologies guys, to be frank I share this osbot account with my roommates (totaling 3 different logins) and I personally don't have any issue with paying money or anything and in fact before, I started moving back into my parents house for the rest of summer, I even told a lot of people in the chatbox @Juggles and muffin that I was planning to go lifetime soon. Anywho, we chip in our money (I chip in the most since I'm the only one with a job out of these college bums) to pay for $150+ scripts and VIP. I was literally gone for only two days and I come back to this. I am sorry guys. One of my roommates was being a dirty Jew trying to do a dispute all of the paypal transactions(not just osbot, literally every single transaction possible). I immediately canceled the disputes that I could and if any got through let me know, I'll pay up with my personal paypal account. I sincerely apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. I love this community and its scripters!
  19. @Apaec Heya, never had an issue as a member with this script but I was using it on a f2p account at varrok east and I noticed that the script will always try to open the door before going in the house even when the doors open. Can you address this? Because it stops in front of the door. Right clicks and clicks where open would be before going in instead of just walking through it.
  20. Them green dragon bots loading up on their emergency varrok teleports :^)
  21. @Token heya I managed to get all the quests complete with your script except the evil Dave part of RFD. For some reason after t gathers all the spices, it gets stuck in a loop for as long as you leave it. I would post a log but my account got banned xD not blaming you, my own fault for not paying more attention to it and let it run for that long. Just letting you know of an issue. Ran every other quests flawlessly
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