Hey y'all!
Over the two months, I've been experimenting on ban rates of using premium scripts (method one) vs autoclicking/mouserecording (method 2).
I've invested by doing tutorial island on 10 accounts by hand so they all have same starting condition. *note* I did not use any proxies nor vpns and I went through the accounts two at a time and only started new set of accounts after the previous set got a ban.
What I noticed was there was a significant decrease in banrate when using autoclicking/mouserecording compared to scripting. Of the 10 accounts I went through, only 1 got banned with using method two.
Things I have tested were wcing scripts. I tried all sorts of wcing scripts and the banrate was extremely random but regardless, 5/5 accounts got banned within the week before it could hit 60 wcing. I wasn't expecting too much as they were fresh off the tutorial island accounts and getting banned was expected. Surprisingly, when I used method two, mouserecording/autoclicking, I managed to wc lvl 1-63 on a fresh account within two days, 6 hour full sessions a day with no break. Although exp/hr was garbage, I was amazed by the banrate. 5/5 accounts survived.
With the surviving 5 accounts I tested magic (stun+alch) and fletching. 2 of the accounts that I used method one with with careful breaks got banned. Other two accounts used method two of recording manual patterns and putting them on loop didn't get banned. Exp/hr was same if not better as premium scripts for these skills and I was able to do 6 hour long sessions without breaks which is incredibly amazing considering these are fresh accounts. One account, I did fletching first at the GE instead of magic first and it was banned day one.
These are just my experiences and thought I would share them with y'all. My current botting strategy is to use autoclick/recording for the early phases of accounts and once they get past a certain mark, I switch over to scripts.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your opinions/experiences!