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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. Buying gold $1/m! Going first for trusted only. PM me or add me on skype: HoneydewbubbleT
  2. I have a question for those experienced in making high level accounts e.g. zulrah accounts/barrows account etc. Do you guys feel any difference in banrates registering email to the accounts vs having accounts unregistered?
  3. https://gyazo.com/80a10df538202a29ad2454c98ab530af
  4. Two accounts at a time, desktop and laptop. I used Murgee's
  5. Hey y'all! Over the two months, I've been experimenting on ban rates of using premium scripts (method one) vs autoclicking/mouserecording (method 2). I've invested by doing tutorial island on 10 accounts by hand so they all have same starting condition. *note* I did not use any proxies nor vpns and I went through the accounts two at a time and only started new set of accounts after the previous set got a ban. What I noticed was there was a significant decrease in banrate when using autoclicking/mouserecording compared to scripting. Of the 10 accounts I went through, only 1 got banned with using method two. Things I have tested were wcing scripts. I tried all sorts of wcing scripts and the banrate was extremely random but regardless, 5/5 accounts got banned within the week before it could hit 60 wcing. I wasn't expecting too much as they were fresh off the tutorial island accounts and getting banned was expected. Surprisingly, when I used method two, mouserecording/autoclicking, I managed to wc lvl 1-63 on a fresh account within two days, 6 hour full sessions a day with no break. Although exp/hr was garbage, I was amazed by the banrate. 5/5 accounts survived. With the surviving 5 accounts I tested magic (stun+alch) and fletching. 2 of the accounts that I used method one with with careful breaks got banned. Other two accounts used method two of recording manual patterns and putting them on loop didn't get banned. Exp/hr was same if not better as premium scripts for these skills and I was able to do 6 hour long sessions without breaks which is incredibly amazing considering these are fresh accounts. One account, I did fletching first at the GE instead of magic first and it was banned day one. These are just my experiences and thought I would share them with y'all. My current botting strategy is to use autoclick/recording for the early phases of accounts and once they get past a certain mark, I switch over to scripts. Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your opinions/experiences!
  6. Idk of anyone who tried to appeal a 2-day ban. However, if you're not planning to bot again on it then it shouldn't be an issue?
  7. Hey y'all, ATM, I have the basic intro university java classes under my belt. So the topics I have learned are: CSE142: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse142/18wi/calendar.shtml CSE143: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse143/18wi/calendar.shtml With this background, how hard would it be grasping coding with osbot api? Also, any reference materials for noobs would much be appreciated! I know we have a whole thread section for noobs, looking for recommendations :3.
  8. @Czar Can you add an option to disable special attack on the sand crab plug in please? I have a Dragon scimitar atm and it doesnt make sense to constantly use special attacks on the crab...
  9. Are there any female runescape players? Better yet, are there any botters?
  10. as @Token said, don't queue up too many quests at once. Personally, i do 2 quests at a time and have a 3-6 hour break in between before doing another set. This seemed to drastically lower my banrate as opposed to trying to get 32+ quest points on one day lol.
  11. @FrostBug Hey is it possible to have a stop after x amount of barrows chest solved? Is there already this option and I'm just missing it on the GUI? Break handlers don't really work well with this script since we wouldn't want it to stop during the middle of the maze solving.
  12. @Czar Scripts not loading? Is it just me?
  13. Yo, how do we find out our total time and profit?
  14. What gear are you going? I feel like i'm barely breaking it even when im going dry using trident
  15. Will go first for trusted only.
  16. Ran the script with breaks for 7 hours. Got one barrows piece. RIP my rng.
  17. Anyone want to duo in NA that's in bronze/silver? Currently boosting my friend's account to gold and would like some company as im bored/lonely. PM me or add me on skype: honeydewbubbleT
  18. Did you do something wrong? You get placed under TWC if you've become suspected of scamming, chargeback, etc. Better to come clean than get banned. Gl!
  19. I think i'd follow your guys' input and only upgrade my processor. Another question, how do you guys deal with dust accumulation? I've been cleaning my case out once a year but the filter for the case fan looks atrocious. I couldn't find any filter replacements online. Should I just get a new case?
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