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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. Hey y'all, I have a rig from 2014 that has served me well and is still functioning. Just want to hear community's feedback/opinion on when you guys upgrade parts vs. get a new computer. Atm, I have i5-4590 3.3GHz, 16gb ram, and gtx 970. I play csgo, league, and bot 2-4 accounts (not at the same time) do to cpu limitation. When would you guys upgrade parts or get a new computer? How many years of usage would you call it good and move on?
  2. I can bot all four pieces for you for 1m if you want. Just leaving the option out here :^) There's always a risk of a ban though with botting *disclaimer*. Although I've successfully got it on 6 accounts without getting banned so far.
  3. Why is no one buying this O_O? I've a lot more crappier accounts sold at about this price for zulrah
  4. @Czar Is it possible for you to add skull scepter teleport for stronghold of security plugin? It'll be really op to have a combination of glory and skull tp's.
  5. There's a cap to what you can get with rune weapon XD. Zombies at stronghold of security is a really good way to get exp. You could TP there with bone septre. Idk if there're any scripts that support this method though.
  6. Should do both because most of the times the dodgy necklace breaks before you go to bank. Allow the user to withdraw x amount of dodgy neckalces every time they bank and have the script just go through the necklaces in the inventory as they break.
  7. NA, shoot me a Pm and I'll add you. We can all flex or duo Edit: With your igns
  8. I'm a masters solo, challenger flex and will duo/play your games for free. I take donations though
  9. Using Czar's rn and it's stopping every hour and it doesn't have 100% success rate
  10. Im using one account on a proxy on my laptop, other account on my laptop (default IP), and one on my desktop.
  11. 4th Update: Took me a while to start up again and was busy with a new school quarter starting. Got three accounts to a decent spot. Sadly, two of the three accounts got a 2-day temp ban but I will continue what I have been doing. I've been going at a significantly slower pace. Basically what I did the first three updates (about 3 days) I spread over a week and a half while also training random other skills. I excluded rushing magic levels in the beginning as I decided that I'm going to prioritize making these accounts self-efficient in terms of buying their own supplies and bonds via combat. The progress are as follows: 1st account: 2nd Account: 3rd Account:
  12. Rather buy a zulrah account with that price range lol
  13. I agree, skills such as magice, fletching, cooking, etc are way easier to get 99 with autoclicking. Only things I bot are combat and minigames
  14. He's going to go big soon watch and see.
  15. You can stack books and prop your phone on it and record the old fashion way! =D.
  16. Some people sell bonds specifically some people sell gold. I'm saying I'll buy either or. I don't mind having extra gold after buying a bond but what I need is a bond... Didn't know this could be that confusing XD
  17. PM me or add me on skype: HoneydewbubbleT going first only for VIP and above or 100fb+
  18. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
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