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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. PM, you set price I'll do it for you. Just finished all my final exams
  2. ^ I would like to straight up buy it please.
  3. @Token Could you possibly add the quests for Dragon Scimitar? (Tree Gnome, etc.).
  4. @Czar Will it be able to add tasking to this script just like your fletching script? E.g. After finish cleaning guam, make (unf) guam potion, and then attack potion. Really liked it on the fletching script!
  5. Hey, So you seemed to be concerned about botting on your account and switching to official client to play legit and if this switch over can get detected? Most likely, yes it can get detected as it was confirmed by a mod jagex can detect 3rd party clients. However, will they be hard-on targeting you? That is unknown. So..... Don't bot on account you don't want to lose. Simple. Don't even log into osbot client if you feel at risk.
  6. Hey guys, where are you going to apply for unban? Can anyone link me please?
  7. Hey, I just bought your script! I hope you could implement the feature soon! I'll follow you so please keep me updated~
  8. Hey Apaec, giving you feedback after couple hours of trial from yesterday. The script is really good, but I'd say too good. It's funny to say, but it's too perfect. Is there a way you can possible implement a toggle to enable variations in delay time depositing all the food you cooked into the bank? Yes there are people that stare at the screen while cooking to immediately empty their inventory into the bank and cook a new batch but there are more people that multitask so after all the food gets cooked, there is normally a delay between 1-5 seconds(randomize) before depositing the cooked food. Think by implementing this toggle, you'd be able to bot for longer and safer than having a flawless, perfect script! Just a suggestion! otherwise really good flawless cooking script! Thanks for the trial! Will purchase soon~
  9. Hi Czar, Can I get a trial for: 1. Thiever 2. Fisher 3. Woodcutter 4. Mining As I mentioned, I recently purchased fighter and agility from you and i'm looking for one or two more to purchase to cycle through hence the request for multiple scripts at once to save both of our time! Sorry for requesting trials incorrectly on other threads, haven't been in the botting scene in a while and wasn't aware of this new format for requesting scripts Thanks in advance!
  10. - Script name - Aio crafter - trial length - 24 hours - Reason for trial - Looking to Test before purchasing - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? - i will if you'd like me to
  11. May I have a trial for this script as well please?
  12. May I have a trial for this script as well please?
  13. Hey yo just recently bought fighter/agility script from you as those are my essentials and I wanted to test out your other scripts to see which ones I should by additionally to cycle through my scripts. I'll be asking for trials on a few of your scripts because I love your scripts so please let me try as much as I can! May I have have a trial for this script please?
  14. Hi, I was wondering if this script supports brutal black dragons at the catacombs?
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