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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. Commenting here for future notifications
  2. @Czar Can the drop pattern be randomized please?
  3. @Czar Can the drop pattern be randomized please?
  4. @Khaleesi will this support the fishing guild expansion?
  5. Oh my god only my opinion is right there is no where other people are right.
  6. must be hard to take in the fact that client detection is not hard.
  7. It is not BS. It is a thing. It's not hard. It just doesn't guarantee a ban.
  8. Client detection IS a thing. This was proven by A Friend being banned using the HD client, not even botting. Although it may not be an instant "log in through a 3rd party client = insta ban" thing, I'm pretty sure your account is at least flagged depending on the client on you log in from. Google: Reddit A friend banned.
  9. @Czar Hey Czar, could you possibly add an option to choose random delay interval from proceeding to the next tree/banking? ATM it's already a perfect script, but I was wondering if we could make it more human-like as a lot of people multitask while chopping trees and takes somewhere from say 1-10 seconds delay after a tree falls down to proceed to the next one. Could make this a toggle and allow us to select randomized "afk delay" interval ranging from 1-10 seconds? Just an interesting thought. I suggested a similar concept to Apaec's cooking script and he really liked the idea and implemented it :3... Heck this could apply to a lot of your other scripts e.g. fishing. IF a fishing spot moves, go to it after a random delay instead of instantly (toggle-able). Yay? nay? XD
  10. bought 15m fast and painless. Really smooth would recommend
  11. Just buy VIP. If you already spent $50 on scripts, why be stingy on the VIP? Plus you get discounts on scripts via VIP...
  12. Super good script. Gets to Jad easily. Second time attempting Jad though due to unlucky prayer switch! Edit: FML I RAN OUT OF AMMO!~$~!%~!@#~!
  13. I have an account that I use to play as a main long time ago before EOC and RS3 happened. I recently got it unbanned after throwing in an appeal for the hecks of it. I know I don't have 100 posts yet but I'm getting close so would anyone be interested in this account? Veteran cape & classic cape. However In terms of OSRS, it's fresh and still in tutorial island. PC for and aged-like-a-fine-wine account?
  14. Does this script work with mirror mode yet? D:
  15. The thing is if I try other walker options, it walks the really weird way Walking far west, far north, then east instead of simply northwest.
  16. @Chris Heya can I get a trial for this Please!
  17. @Czar Hey! Thank you for updating the walkpath! I think if I picked the walk option 2(one of the three options, think it was 2) it no longer walks two long legs and walks the hypotenuse as I requested!(Northwest instead of walking far west then far north then a little east). Only issue that's left is that after the script gets the loot, it successfully teleports back to edgeville but idly stands there and I have to manually bank it from there so if you could fix this banking issue, this would be a really good green dragon script! Also, after I do manually bank it, instead of running directly from the bank back to the lvl 13 green drag location, it circumnavigates all the way to the monk monastery and then to the green drags unnecessarily.
  18. @Zapako Heya! Just tried to run the script today. It did great taking out the correct amount of overloads and absorption pots but once it got into the nmz, after it dropped down to 1hp from overload+rockcake, it wouldn't stop spamming absorptions even thought absorption was maxed out at 1k already. Is there a way around this? Or do I just have to take the exact amount of absorptions before i go in... Edit: Got it to work by taking exactly 5 bottles of absorption pot so it doesn't spam more absorption pots. Hopefully this gets fixed or someone could help me out so i could go in with more absorption pots! Also, can you take out the "anti-ban" feature from the script. No one does NMZ rotating their camera and checking their exp every couple seconds. People do NMZ to mostly semi-afk or afk. Checking the exprate every couple seconds and rotating the camera unnecessarily would only make the bans easier imo.
  19. try waiting 20 minutes. Jk, did you try clicking "add bot"?
  20. Pretty good account with a lot of quests done along with full void, grace, and proselyte. Lmk if you're interested!
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