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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/16 in all areas
A simple walking script, select your destination and hit start! Price: $1 Purchase Link: https://osbot.org/forum/store/product/675-explvs-walker/ CLI: No preset location: java -jar "/path/to/osbot.jar" -login OSBotUser:OSBotPassword -bot RSUser:RSPassword:RSPin -script 819:none With coordinates (they can be obtained using my map https://explv.github.io/) java -jar "/path/to/osbot.jar" -login OSBotUser:OSBotPassword -bot RSUser:RSPassword:RSPin -script 819:x.y.z Using location name: java -jar "/path/to/osbot.jar" -login OSBotUser:OSBotPassword -bot RSUser:RSPassword:RSPin -script 819:LOCATION_NAME List of currently supported CLI location names:8 points
-> select a program, or multiple -> give up the path where you want to save your file -> give the file a name -> generate the file run the file and it will start up all the programs you added. so if you usually start multiple programs when you start your pc, you can do it in 1 click. you can also use this for when you open 2 things for a program, there are many examples, but one is a game + bot program that work together let me know if you like it for some reason the gif doesn't replay6 points
PPOSB - AIO Hunter Brand new trapping system just released in 2024! *ChatGPT Supported via AltChat* https://www.pposb.org/ ***Black chinchompas and Black salamanders have been added back*** Supports the completion of Varrock Museum & Eagle's Peak OR CLICK HERE TO PAY WITH 07 GOLD! The script has been completely rewritten from the ground up! Enjoy the all new v2 of the script JOIN THE DISCORD CHAT FOR QUESTIONS/ SUPPORT/ CHATTING/ UPDATES! New GUI: Features: Click Here Current functioning hunter tasks: (green - complete || yellow - started || red - incomplete) Screenshots: Progressive Leveling: 1-19 --> Crimson swift 19-43 --> Tropical wagtail 43-63 --> Falconry 63+ --> Red chinchompas Updates How to setup Dynamic Signatures Report a bug CLI Support - The script now supports starting up with CLI. The commands are given below. Please put in ALL values (true or false) for CLI to work properly. Make sure they are lowercase values, and they are each separated with an underscore. The script ID for the hunter bot is 677. Parameters: EnableProgression_EnableVarrockMuseum_EnableEaglesPeak_EnableGrandExchange Example: -script 677:true_true_false_true ***Don't forget to check out some of my other scripts!*** OSRS Script Factory Click here to view thread LEAVE A LIKE A COMMENT FOR A TRIAL The script is not intended for Ironman accounts. It still works for Ironman accounts, but you must have all equipment, gear, and items.4 points
Hello everyone! I am new to the osbot world, but not new to botting! I am currently studying computer engineering at a university. I was bored over this Christmas break so I decided to take up OSRS as a hobby when I suddenly realized how much I missed the challenges of botting! I chose this bot because I LOVED what I saw the developers doing, mirroring the client, so it can't be detected at the code level. I was going to try to program a more rudimentary version of this using something similar in C++ but was shocked to see what had already been done! The work looks excellent (albeit, I haven't used it yet). This bot seems to be the most advanced and I think I am going to work with it (and probably buy the membership for osBot too), but I am really curious what the other bots are like. -If someone could explain to me the status of the other bots (like poopbot), that'd be very helpful. -Also, I have been gone for a while, so can someone give me a brief overview of the current status of botting in rs? If someone knowledgeable would be willing to talk to me on skype or something about it, that'd be great too! I am pretty excited (obviously) to have found a bot like this with an active community, especially since I have a great computer just sitting around waiting to run a bunch of bots. Hopefully I get some good responses!4 points
hi im acerd, i dont play runescape but i am currently learning java and making scripts for runescape4 points
βCzarScripts #1 Bots β Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β LATEST BOTS β If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread3 points
Disputed member: @Arcus Thread Link: no thread Explanation: So Yesterday at 7 am i sold them 840m for Wu They told me that they are having problems with wu and They cant send the payment atm so i told them thats fine just contact me once u can i pmed them a few hours later asking about it they said they are having the same problem after that they said they cant do wu atm and that i have to wait till the next day to get my wu payment So i said ill take a refund instead since yesterday every time i contact them for the refund they say they are out of stock and that they cant send me Wu nor refund me and that they will do bank transfer So this morning i ended up contacting them for the payment or a refund and they said they dont have stock so i asked morova to their livechat if they can provide him with gp atm and they said they can After i confronted him He said that he can refund me my payment he gave me 500m Then starting coming up with bs excuses and didnt refund me the rest of my payment Evidence:3 points
3 points
You could trick the osbot client into writing the password as the username You do this: Start the client with the chosen account Start a script and when the bot starts writing the password you switch it to write into the username slot.2 points
2 points
Oh dear fearless leader of the SOS Brigade Haruhi, your eccentricity never ceases to amaze me :Noah:.2 points
use 2 variables startAmount, currentAmount. state the startAmount when you start. currentAmount should be what you have now then to get the right amount of stuff do. Real amount - currentAmount - startAmount = real amount tracked2 points
2 points
2 points
View in store ($3,99 for lifetime access) Features: Supports every location you would ever want to cook (anywhere missing? request it!) Supports almost every food item cookable on a range or fire (anything missing? request it!) Smart Target-oriented back-end stops the script when you have accomplished your desired goal Option to move mouse outside screen while cooking to simulate human AFKing Where Make-All isn't available, A Gaussian distribution based suffixed string generation algorithm randomises entered Make-X values Utilises a combination of WebWalking and recorded paths to ensure the script never strays from it's job Simple, intuitive GUI which auto-detects your food and location based on your inventory and minimap position Stable cooking & banking algorithms, tuned individually for each food item and bank Clean, informative, Anti-aliased, un-obstructive and fully movable self-generating paint Movable on-canvas scrolling console logger Efficient script logic ensures an EXP-optimised experience Normally distributed response times to simulate a human's reflexes Stops & logs out when out of food, saving your progress to the console and web Dynamic signatures allow you to track your progress as you use the script Handles obstacles and doors between the bank and the range to ensure door spammers cannot hinder your gains CLI is supported for all hardcore chef needs ... and many more ... Supported food: This script only supports cooking these food items on ranges/fires, it will not combine ingredients to make items such as Tuna potatoes or Pineapple pizzas. Shrimp Anchovies Sardine Herring Mackerel Chicken Beef Bear meat Rabbit Rat meat Sinew from Bear meat Sinew from Beef Trout Salmon Cod Pike Bass Rainbow fish Tuna Lobster Swordfish Monkfish Shark Dark crab Sea turtle Manta ray Anglerfish Karambwan Poison Karambwan Bowl of Water Uncooked pizza Potato Seaweed Sweetcorn Stew (new!) Curry (new!) Just ask for a new food item to be added! Supported locations: Rogues den Lumbridge Kitchen (new!) Catherby Nardah Tzhaar City Al-Kharid Zanaris Neitiznot Varrock East Hosidius Kitchen Gnome Stronghold Varrock Cooks' Guild Port Khazard Edgeville Mor Ul Rek Myths' Guild (new!) Just ask for a new location to be added! Why choose APA Scripts? As an experienced veteran scripter here on OSBot, I strive to give you the best user experience that I can by providing frequent updates and fixes. With over 40 cumulative 5 star reviews on the store, as well as my Scripter III rank, you know you're in safe hands. Want something added? Don't like something? Have an awesome proggie to share? Let me know! Example GUI: Starting from CLI: Gallery: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits:1 point
Contact me via Skype for price discussions and other informations. skype: vitoorhugoo11 point
For me it would be @Foo because he's awesome. andmakesbrowniesandcakes1 point
Need someone to do horror from the deep on my pure.. Being sure not to lvl def and be quick!!!!!!! LET ME KNOW A PRICE AND TIME1 point
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1 point
Except if she turns you down you'll ruin your self esteem, feel terrible and doubt yourself and think you're useless. This'll spiral into depression and life long lonliness. All because you didn't xp gain1 point
Could I get a trial? Definitely buying this if it picks up knifes. planning to train range on these bad boys too1 point
Yes you can play on other accounts whilst using mirror mode but you will be using the same IP address so you should look into proxies as otherwise your other legit account could be flagged. You do not have any greater or less chances of being banned whilst using mirror mode. There has been no evidence to support this just personal experiences from the many users on this website. VIP+ Scripts are just scripts that are exclusive to VIP users (I believe.)1 point
1 point
E.g: You want to sell 5m for 5$ Paypal to a user. You use me as a MM, you trade me the money, user sends 5$ to you, if you say you received the money succesful, I'll give the 5m to the other user. If he said he paid you but you didn't receive and he's trying to scam, I just hand you back the money > less scams1 point
Source of it being a lot safer? I've used injection from day one and I'm still not banned. I'm pretty high in the leaderboards too for my skills botted.1 point
MirrorMode is essential. I got banned too, i should have used mirrormode so it's my own fault. I followed all the botting guidelines: alternate skills, play a lot legit, switch things up, bot 4-8 hours.1 point
1 point
I quit runescape like 2 months ago but am skilled with excel and don't mind repetitive task. What's the deadline and how much would you be willing to pay for this?1 point
1 point
Yes in the onLoop or a thread. no since you compare the values before you move the current value into the class variable.1 point
On minotaurs script it keeps clicking on the same doors over and over when banking. When I pause the script and do everything for it, it keeps clicking on the same spot on mini map and stands in one place.1 point
1 point
Trial please? thinking about buying another one of your scripts already have your perfect chopper1 point
hi, if i start it in al karid for rimmington it gets stuck at the gate even with gold btw why the cpu usage is so high ? 10bots same spot dif script http://imgur.com/lbTGWLF1 point
Hey! The bot doesn't seem to pickup my bolts (only on rare occasions, and doesn't pick up all the bolts in the area). Have loaded up inventory. Oh and it got stuck after the rock crabs didn't trigger anymore. Instead of walking out of the area, it just idles and stands there (don't really know how to reproduce, sorry!) If you need more information, let me know1 point
1 point
I believe it has to do with the mirror client update as I had the same problem with the last osbot version but not mirror version1 point
1 point
thats brazy...i havent been active in a few months last time i played it was shark karam.. but still even if you can heal to full health you can still get dropped by gmauls easy...1 point
Just finished a signature for my good friend , TheObserver ! What do you guys think?1 point