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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/15 in all areas

  1. β™”CzarScripts #1 Bots β™” Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β™” LATEST BOTS β™” If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. JKJK. No free stuff here.
    3 points
  4. If you want to walk multiple paths, you could have a data structure like so: public class Path { private List<Position> path; public Path(List<Position> ourPath) { path = ourPath; } public List<Position> getPath() { return path; } } And then you can have something like this: List<Path> ourPaths = new ArrayList<Path>(); ourPaths.add(new Path(Arrays.asList(new Position[]{ new Position(x, y, z), new Position(x, y, z) })); Then, you wouldn't even need a switch/case selection. You could just do: getLocalWalker().walkPath(ourPaths.get(random(1, 5)).getPath());
    3 points
  5. We all know that there's a lot of inactivity on the staff's part inbetween time zone's and school work/jobs that the staff takes a part of outside of osbot. But Muffins could definitely fill part of these gaps in because he's always on when no one else is. He is a hard working, educated man and would do good as a mod imo. Give him a shot already! #Muffins #TrialMod #hashtagsaresostupid #thiswillgoupinflames #Hewillgettrialmod
    2 points
  6. https://www.facebook.com/270225899787773/videos/815669835243374/
    2 points
  7. Quality shit post. Shitposting master approves. #respect
    2 points
  8. You clearly got scammed by an impostor, do you even look at the pm? He clearly says different stuff and has a different name on his skype. Maybe you should be more careful next time and do research. Feel free to post a picture of the skype profile, so I can try to get the ip of the user who scammed you. Skype they had the conversation with.
    2 points
  9. Let a class extend JFrame in order to let this class be used as a GUI window. Either manually or using a designer, add visual components to an instance of this JFrame class. To add a dropdown box, you would typically use the class called JComboBox. Create one of these and add it to your JFrame (Note that JFrame has a method 'add'). In order to add and retrieve items from this combobox, you should set its backing Model. A common way to do this is creating a new instance of DefaultComboBoxModel, adding elements of your desired type into this model, and then setting this as the model on your combobox instance. Later, you can get the selected item from this model by invoking JComboBox#getSelectedItem.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. PPOSB - AIO Hunter Brand new trapping system just released in 2024! *ChatGPT Supported via AltChat* https://www.pposb.org/ ***Black chinchompas and Black salamanders have been added back*** Supports the completion of Varrock Museum & Eagle's Peak OR CLICK HERE TO PAY WITH 07 GOLD! The script has been completely rewritten from the ground up! Enjoy the all new v2 of the script JOIN THE DISCORD CHAT FOR QUESTIONS/ SUPPORT/ CHATTING/ UPDATES! New GUI: Features: Click Here Current functioning hunter tasks: (green - complete || yellow - started || red - incomplete) Screenshots: Progressive Leveling: 1-19 --> Crimson swift 19-43 --> Tropical wagtail 43-63 --> Falconry 63+ --> Red chinchompas Updates How to setup Dynamic Signatures Report a bug CLI Support - The script now supports starting up with CLI. The commands are given below. Please put in ALL values (true or false) for CLI to work properly. Make sure they are lowercase values, and they are each separated with an underscore. The script ID for the hunter bot is 677. Parameters: EnableProgression_EnableVarrockMuseum_EnableEaglesPeak_EnableGrandExchange Example: -script 677:true_true_false_true ***Don't forget to check out some of my other scripts!*** OSRS Script Factory Click here to view thread LEAVE A LIKE A COMMENT FOR A TRIAL The script is not intended for Ironman accounts. It still works for Ironman accounts, but you must have all equipment, gear, and items.
    1 point
  13. skype: live:sythemaster1337. must be verified pp and able to provide upon request.
    1 point
  14. do you really think this is some kind of sick joke
    1 point
  15. THE SCRIPT HAS BEEN RELEASED!!!!! Already getting a new update together with some more amazing content!
    1 point
  16. Yea not being able to sell an ely for some cash is not a good feeling.
    1 point
  17. I have my client fully updated... I swear I have tried both as well. The bot mines the two gold rocks, they take around 60 seconds to respawn but the bot does not wait, it clicks on the mini map and starts running away. I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong but it is not cooperating.
    1 point
  18. Hi Czar could i get a trial of this please
    1 point
  19. I'm going to need a screenshot of the skype id with the conversation visible. Also, one of the gyazo screenshots is not visible anymore so I can't see the full conversation. Please provide screenshots of the full convo and of the skype ID with the conversation visible. I also went ahead and requested @Bubble to reply here. EDIT: after looking into it further, it seems like @Bubble was hacked by @nipslipzz. I went ahead and banned both users. I'm sorry for your loss. If either one of them wishes to return they'll have to refund you.
    1 point
  20. I think you're speaking a bit too technically for OP
    1 point
  21. 1. Bangkok titans 2. Dank 3. Meme Let me guess you play a highly team based game called Adventure Quest?
    1 point
  22. looks like i'm just going to purchase this. any tips on setting up my breaks so it doesnt look like im botting?
    1 point
  23. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111933/why-shouldnt-i-use-hungarian-notationCompilers handle semantic analysis. No need to mix type semantics it into your code. It could hurt during refactoring. If you're going to use hungarian notation, use it the right way (apps hungarian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_notation#Systems_vs._Apps_Hungarian)
    1 point
  24. Does this script support telegrab and worldhopping?
    1 point
  25. This. If you know Zyzz, you'll hear him saying it a lot.
    1 point
  26. Purchased, will let you know how it goes
    1 point
  27. Czar, could you add in oaks at seers please? would really appreciate it!
    1 point
  28. Hey Czar, i havent been able to use this script for weeks, no matter what location i start the script in, work perfect to begin with then just completely stopped. here is a gyzao of the code box thing. https://gyazo.com/0991c6784df6dd7ec52c0152433491a2
    1 point
  29. Hey Czar! I'm really enjoy your scripts at the moment but I wanted to ask you if I could possibly swap my flesh crawlers one with your magic one instead, please let me know I need it more than I need the flesh crawlers!!
    1 point
  30. So i bought this script today, first run went through great, it then went back to the bank and started banking.. It proceeds to bank the entire inventory and withdraw some 1 and 2 dose pray pots i have in the bank, I'm thinking, stupid script here we go. AND THEN!! It withdraws a bunch of then 1 and dose and combines them into 4 dose pots! like seriously, who the fuck puts the effort into putting that into a script!? My friend you are some sort of freak, i have never seen anything that work this well!! 12/10 best script ever! Attention to detail is just unreal. Clap Clap Clap you are amazing
    1 point
  31. have this problem where it runs onto the bridge where the boat is and just stands there https://gyazo.com/cff0b5041fc495f1b932651cb2aa111c
    1 point
  32. Yeah but dude it's literally ONLY a dollar
    1 point
  33. DOWNLOAD (since JARs are not allowed to be used in scripts, the .rar contains the source files, which you can include in your project) UPDATED: The two systems have been merged. Let me know if there are any issues. Two people came to me asking how to implement certain functionality: 1. To link certain nodes to other nodes. Since some nodes won't come after other nodes (Bank will only come after WalkToBank), there's no reason to loop through EVERY node in the script depending on the current node. How could one implement a system that only check to see which node shohld be next out of the possible nodes, not all the nodes. 2. To allow other nodes to execute while the current node is executing. When the current node is WalkToBank and your player has low hp, the script will not eat, since the current node is WalkToBank and not eat. You could add a priority system, but the problem is not "performing one node before the other"; it's performing one node while another node is processing. There exists an asynchronous node executor, which executes a node on a background thread. But this does not account for possible memory incosnistencies by implementing memory barriers. Not to mention, such a burden isn't actually needed; a single-threaded system could give the same functionality, without the need for atomicy and synchronization, as long as the script is running at a specific frame rate (a guide on that coming soon; pm me if you aren't sure what that means). I have packaged both together. I haven't tested it with an actual script (performed some lazy tests), so let me know if there are any problems with it. NodeLinkerManager The idea is to take a group of nodes, and "map" them to a specific node. For example, the WalkToBank would only be followed to the Bank node, and in a pk script, a WalkToWild node will only be followed by FightPlayer and LookForPlayer. We want to link nodes to their possible outcomes. Usually, a node based script looks like this: class MyScript extends Script { private List<Node> nodes; public void onStart() { nodes = new ArrayList<>(); nodes.add(new WalkToBank(this)); // add other nodes } public int onLoop() { for(Node node : nodes) if(node.canProcess()) node.process(); } } abstract class Node { private MethodProvider api; protected Node(MethodProvider provider) { this.api = api; } protected MethodProvider api() { return api; } public abstract void process(); public abstract boolean canProcess(); } final class WalkToBank extends Node { // ... } The problem with this is, depending on the amount of nodes (which increase as decomposition is applied), the for loop in the onLoop method could take longer than it needs. This is because it could be checking nodes that could not possibly come after the current node. Instead, we want to check only the nodes that could possibly come after the current node. For this, you must specify which nodes can come after which nodes. This is done through the @Linked annotation: import fts.node.Node; @Linked(nodes = { Bank.class }) final class WalkToBank extends Node { // ...same as usual } The other difference is how you add nodes. First, you need to declare the NodeLinkerManager in your script. You then add the type of the node you want. Any linked nodes that are specified through the @Linked annotation are instantiated, as well as the node you specified. To ensure no excess objects are created, NodeLinkerManager handles ALL instantiation; you simply specify the type of a node through a class literal: final class MyScript extends Script { private NodeLinkerManager manager; public void onStart() { manager = new NodeLinkerManager(this); manager.add(WalkToBank.class); } public int onLoop() { manager.process(); return 2; } } NodeFragmentManager There are some actions that should be performed while other actions are performing. For example, if you are fighting, you might wanna check if you should eat or pot. You could hard-code the logic into the Fight node, but what if there are actions that apply to all nodes? The node fragment system sees those actions as "node fragments". A NodeFragment is the exact same thing as a Node, other than the ability to specify a NodeFragment when creating a node. You would specify the NodeFragment through the @Fragmented annotation: @Fragmented(fragments = { Eat.class; }) final class WalkToBank extends Node { // ... } final class Eat extends NodeFragment { // ...same as a regular Node } When the current node is WalkToBank, Eat will also process. This will allow the bot to eat while it's walking to the bank (if needed).
    1 point
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