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Everything posted by Ericthecmh

  1. What I thought tut island caps u at lvl 3?
  2. Ericthecmh


    I'll do 150$ if closed this weekend
  3. Ericthecmh


    When are you closing?
  4. EDIT: Sorry I'm blind and can't read
  5. I love your voice @Eliot will listen to this instead of music
  6. Hello my friend, long time no talk

    1. Extreme Scripts

      Extreme Scripts

      Indeed young jedi.. How you been

    2. Ericthecmh


      I have become a Jedi Master and defeated all the Sith

      Have you done anything of value lately?

    3. k9thebeast


      No he's scammed two people. 

  7. Hello old friend

    1. Czar


      greetings, Tao :doge: 

    2. Ericthecmh





  8. Don't go under 200. 250 if you want to get rid of it quickly. also def agree with the PSU comment. often overlooked, yet critical component
  9. RAM would be hard to sell in 4GB sticks tbh. Also DDR3-1600 is pretty cheap nowadays. I would say $300-350, depending on your case, hard drive, and PSU (which you didn't include). I wouldn't go lower than 300 though (if you had posted this 3 months ago I would have bought this off of you for 300. But now there's a new horyzen) Also if you haven't bought your CPU yet, I'd suggest waiting for the new RYZEN line from AMD and see it's community benchmarks.
  10. It is possible. Here's my old code. Sorry there's a lot of unrelated junk. I cbf to clean it for you. Basically, like Villius said, you gotta wrap with JFXPanel. Also, I dev-ed this on Linux. It is supported, if you're using Oracle JDK at least... Most Linux distros have a package for it. If not, they're probably using a less user-friendly distro, and I'd assume that means they're experienced enough to install it manually. // Display the GUI JFXPanel panel = new JFXPanel(); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); try { panel.setScene(new SupremeFisherGUI().load(frame, this)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.setSize(328, 240); frame.setContentPane(panel); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); and then I have this: public Scene load(JFrame stage, Main script) throws Exception { MainGUIController controller = new MainGUIController(); AnchorPane anchorPane = new AnchorPane(); anchorPane.setPrefSize(320.0, 174.0); anchorPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #000"); Label welcomeLabel = new Label("Welcome to SupremeFisher!"); welcomeLabel.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#55acee")); welcomeLabel.setFont(new Font("Cambria Bold", 18.0)); welcomeLabel.setLayoutX(16); welcomeLabel.setLayoutY(6); anchorPane.getChildren().add(welcomeLabel); Label optionsLabel = new Label("Please configure your options below:"); optionsLabel.setFont(new Font("Cambria", 14.0)); optionsLabel.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#FFFFFF")); optionsLabel.setLayoutX(18.0); optionsLabel.setLayoutY(29.0); anchorPane.getChildren().add(optionsLabel); Label locationLabel = new Label("Location:"); locationLabel.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#55acee")); locationLabel.setFont(new Font("Cambria", 14.0)); locationLabel.setLayoutX(18.0); locationLabel.setLayoutY(59.0); anchorPane.getChildren().add(locationLabel); controller.locationBox = new ComboBox<>(); controller.locationBox.setLayoutX(87); controller.locationBox.setLayoutY(56); controller.locationBox.setPrefHeight(27.0); controller.locationBox.setPrefWidth(215.0); controller.locationBox.setPromptText("Select a Location"); controller.locationBox.setStyle("-fx-border-color: #55acee; -fx-background-color: #000000; -fx-text-fill: #FFFFFF; -fx-border-radius: 10; -fx-padding: 0 0 0 4;"); anchorPane.getChildren().add(controller.locationBox); controller.fishLabel = new Label(); controller.fishLabel.setLayoutX(18.0); controller.fishLabel.setLayoutY(125); controller.fishLabel.setFont(new Font("Cambria", 14.0)); controller.fishLabel.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#55acee")); anchorPane.getChildren().add(controller.fishLabel); controller.fishView = new ListView<>(); controller.fishView.setLayoutX(18.0); controller.fishView.setLayoutY(152); controller.fishView.setMaxHeight(100.0); controller.fishView.setMinHeight(0.0); controller.fishView.setPrefHeight(0.0); controller.fishView.setPrefWidth(285); controller.fishView.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #000000; -fx-border-color: #55acee;"); anchorPane.getChildren().add(controller.fishView); controller.typeBox = new ComboBox<>(); controller.typeBox.setLayoutX(87); controller.typeBox.setLayoutY(89); controller.typeBox.setPrefHeight(27); controller.typeBox.setPrefWidth(215.0); controller.typeBox.setPromptText("Select a Type"); controller.typeBox.setStyle("-fx-border-color: #55acee; -fx-background-color: #000000; -fx-text-fill: #FFFFFF; -fx-border-radius: 10; -fx-padding: 0 0 0 4;"); anchorPane.getChildren().add(controller.typeBox); Label typeLabel = new Label("Type:"); typeLabel.setLayoutX(18.0); typeLabel.setLayoutY(94.0); typeLabel.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#55acee")); typeLabel.setFont(new Font("Cambria", 14.0)); anchorPane.getChildren().add(typeLabel); controller.imageView = new javafx.scene.image.ImageView(); controller.imageView.setFitWidth(285.0); controller.imageView.setLayoutX(18.0); controller.imageView.setLayoutY(158.0); controller.imageView.setPickOnBounds(true); controller.imageView.setPreserveRatio(true); anchorPane.getChildren().addAll(controller.imageView); controller.reducedAntiban = new CheckBox("Reduced antiban mode (not recommended)"); controller.reducedAntiban.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#55acee")); controller.reducedAntiban.setFont(new Font("Cambria", 14.0)); controller.reducedAntiban.setLayoutX(18.0); controller.reducedAntiban.setLayoutY(141); anchorPane.getChildren().addAll(controller.reducedAntiban); controller.startButton = new Button("START"); controller.startButton.setDisable(true); controller.startButton.setLayoutX(12.0); controller.startButton.setLayoutY(176); controller.startButton.setMnemonicParsing(false); controller.startButton.setPrefHeight(27.0); controller.startButton.setPrefWidth(297.0); controller.startButton.setStyle("-fx-background-color: #000000; -fx-border-color: #55acee; -fx-border-radius: 10;"); controller.startButton.setTextFill(Paint.valueOf("#FFFFFF")); anchorPane.getChildren().add(controller.startButton); controller.locationBox.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @[member='Override'] public void handle(ActionEvent event) { controller.updateLocation(event); } }); controller.typeBox.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @[member='Override'] public void handle(ActionEvent event) { controller.updateType(event); } }); controller.startButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @[member='Override'] public void handle(ActionEvent event) { controller.start(event); } }); controller.fishView.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() { @[member='Override'] public void handle(MouseEvent event) { controller.updateFishView(event); } }); Scene scene = new Scene(anchorPane, Color.TRANSPARENT); controller.registerStage(stage, script); return scene; }
  11. You're kidding rite. Obviously u want lifetime sponsor, so you look just everyone else
  12. Overall, your code's pretty clean and efficient. The only suggestion I'd have is looking into using an iterative approach rather than a recursive one like you've done here. Reason being: Recursion is generally slower. This is because function calls require pushing the current execution point to the stack before executing the function, so that the system knows where to go when the function returns. If you do recursion, you're essentially pushing a lot of things onto the stack over and over, which can get very very slow. Iteration avoids the stack, and can get several times faster in practice. In addition, note how in the line: return [[9] + previous_digits for previous_digits in nines_first] \ + [[1, 9] + previous_digits for previous_digits in ones_first] You are creating new lists repeatedly, which is slow. An iterative approach can avoid this. In this case, using iteration probably won't save much, since you're caching results, which essentially linearizes your recursion tree. I will post my own solution tomorrow if you wanna compare
  13. Go with the second solution first, then do the first one if necessary. Although Token is right, this is like trying to make a gun shot wound better by putting a bandage on it. It may save some runtime but the real improvement is the solution below. Optimizing from a recusive to an iterative approach will probably cut your runtime by several times, but using the below solution can cut your runtime by an entire order of magnitude or more (ie. from n^2 to n). You should be caching the results of previously computed answers and using it from cache (called Dynamic programming), which is what Solzhenitsyn is suggesting. Pretty sure it does. Tried it out before and I think the runtime's about the same
  14. Yes you are very correct. I guess what I'm really trying to say is: 1) Black people are (generally) in a worse economic condition and so are more likely to turn to crime 2) This means they can't educate and take care of their kids as well 3) This means their kids are more likely to end up in a worse economic condition and more likely to turn to crime 4) People are therefore racist and this puts black people at a disadvantage, which leads back to (1) It's a negative cycle, and therefore very hard to break. The main problem is I don't think anyone's really looking to break the cycle. Trump is a selfish piece of shit that takes advantage of the worst qualities in people for his own ego and profit. But I think the worst part is he probably truly believes he's a saint here to save us all.
  15. What do you mean something blocks your install Are you booting from the install or running it from windows 10? Can you paste a screenshot or picture of it so we can see
  16. This is true. However, people don't care why things turn out the way they do, they only care the end result. When apartment hunting, I argued with my girlfriend sometimes because she said I'm racist for saying things like "I don't want to live there; it's a black community." Is it racist? Technically. But objectively speaking, it is also (probably) more dangerous of a place, so yeah. I don't want to live in a dangerous place. The black lives matter movement and the people who support it are on one side of a negative feedback loop. The other end of this cycle are the people are "racists" who make assumptions based on race. I don't think it's right to say one side is wrong, because both sides have their points. The only way negative cycles perpetuate is if both sides keep it going. The real issue IMO is that each side expects the other side to break the loop. But we're humans, and therefore selfish, and so that's unlikely.
  17. Cowboy is correct. I went back and checked the count. Therefore, he wins. To claim, please add me on skype (ericthecmh)
  18. It is real... A few numbers were skipped, but as far as I can see, nobody legitimately counted 499. So... 499 Whoever counts next wins.
  19. This is honestly taking longer than I had expected lol
  20. 84 now! Changed target to 500 cuz this is amazingly slow.
  21. If you're having a problem with object interaction on mirror, it may be that you're hooking at the wrong time. Make sure you hook the mirror client BEFORE you log in. Otherwise it bugs out. @Khaleesi Thanks for keeping my work alive
  22. Count to 500. Don't try to cheat! Every number up to 500 must be counted by someone. First person with 500 wins. I'll send you the membership code. Staff is not included (cuz hide posts) I'll start (I can't win though ) 1 PRIZE HAS BEEN BUMPED TO 3 MONTHS
  23. How is everyone doing? Love you all (mostly). K bai.
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