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Thoughts on a random section? NSFW Section


Random Section  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see a random section on OSBot(only people who requested to see it could see it)

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This section would have minimal rules, such as no black hat activities/real life info, but everything else is go, memes, vulgar, anything goes. 


I would make it so only people that requested to view the section could view it, so if you didn't want to be involved, I wouldn't put you in there. No one could post pictures in chat of the section etc, it has to stay to that section.



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  • Administrator
8 minutes ago, Juggles said:

I thought that was what Spam, chatbox, and discord were for?

If you post a racist meme in here am I gonna ban you? Probably, if it was in the random section would I ban you or warn you, NO.


Random is basically free for all, you can trash talk, meme, post bull shit about whoever and whatever(except me cuz i cry)

Basically a  NSFW section.

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2 minutes ago, Dbuffed said:

For me at least no thank you, I have voted no although a maybe vote could also be optional.

The problem with this type of sections is and it has been shown elsewhere, people tend to make threads on others and slander/target one person in mass groups.

I have praised myself in promoting OSbots best interests and trying to make sure that this sort of stuff doesn't shine through it. Whilst we may have the odd person who would use it to troll/have a joke with others (similar to the spam/off topic section) there would also be people who like to put out a complete manslaughter instead of the "oh you're a fag" or "kys nub" jokes we get in the spam and chat box. 

It has also been shown in many other forums, and this is why I don't really partake, people are allowed or at least think they are allowed to leak people's photos, either in full or cropped versions to try score points with their online buddies, which in fact is bullying and putting other people's identities at risk via showing who/what they look like which is no different to a dox.

Sure, don't get me wrong people will be against me and it isn't my website but as an open debate i'll place this down. I would understand if it was general joke threads like "@decode is a fucking cunt" and then we have a meme posted below, but even then it's just something people would abuse.

considering maldesto said  " if you didn't want to be involved, I wouldn't put you in there." I would assume slandering others would also fall into the few things that would be modded.


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