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Middlemen suggestions.


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I agree with the posts and FB without a doubt. Helps prove the person is a part of the community and trustworthy. 

I don't like the idea of having to pay to get a rank? Could there not be some sort of formal application process then you receive the 'verified middleman' rank below your name if which needs to be reviewed and then accepted by a mod or admin?

If there is some sort of application process there is a sense of control that the mods and admin have over the situation.

Edited by Mxttie
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1 minute ago, Mxttie said:

I agree with the posts and FB without a doubt. Helps prove the person is a part of the community and trustworthy. 

I don't like the idea of having to pay to get a rank? Could there not be some sort of formal application process then you receive the 'verified middleman' rank below your name if which needs to be reviewed and then accepted by a mod or admin?

If there is some sort of application process there is a sense of control that the mods and admin have over the situation.

Realistically though, people with no paid rank are more prone to scamming because they have nothing to lose

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i believe 200 plus feedback

1k post count

1year on forums

Active and respected

Lifetime sponsor plus, maybe 100-donar aswell

At the end of the day it should be who the mods/admins trust fully and therefore there can be exceptions - obviously muffins is worthy but does not have sponsor etc

People should have to apply for it just like for being a veteran :)


Edited by Luke Reading
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4 minutes ago, Mxttie said:

I agree with the posts and FB without a doubt. Helps prove the person is a part of the community and trustworthy. 

I don't like the idea of having to pay to get a rank? Could there not be some sort of formal application process then you receive the 'verified middleman' rank below your name if which needs to be reviewed and then accepted by a mod or admin?

If there is some sort of application process there is a sense of control that the mods and admin have over the situation.

So I invest a few hours a week into making gold sales, i make a few dollars each week from flipping the gold using BTC -> Paypal.

I build reputation for almost free.

I scam quit with various trades at once, maybe earn 250m - 1B if im not a retard.

Sounds like a fucking great way to make money by exploiting the current system.

Exit scam:

Middleman a trade for 250m.

Buyer gives u the BTC.

Seller gives you 250m.

Maybe u do another trade at the same time, sounds like a scam quit payday.

Edited by Final
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