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Everything posted by Light

  1. is staminas supported? Also gave me this error when I tried to download the update?
  2. Looks nice, mind adding stamina potions?
  3. i would totally bang
  4. only nerds uses veng at zulrah
  5. I don't think I got any trial?
  6. So brutal bd are fully fixed? Because I tried it without recharging prayer, it went down started attacking and when I looked away for 5 mins it had already died. Could you add move mouse out from the screen in that plugin aswell? A legit working one, please.
  7. what's the fun in doing something repetitively for 30mins without gaining any xp or money?
  8. Could the potion drinking be more randomized? It currently drinks whenever your boost hits your base level.
  9. Sorry if I didn't catch you, have had few school related material that needed finishing for today, now they are handed in and I'm back with free time available for services.
  10. you seem to know people here well?
  11. Hours? What have you even been searching on? No one likes freeriders... you should know that.
  12. Damn this script is insane, possible to get a trial?
  13. I agree, very similiar to sponsor... and ofc dex wants to be guest friendly
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