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Everything posted by Light

  1. your call, i dont blame you i have more reps on trbot and sythe
  2. I can do this for you, however, you'll have to provide prayer potions, the price will change by time so if you do like to discuss the prices add my skype light.osbot
  3. Light

    DMM help

    Would have told you, but nah cuz
  4. I can take train two accounts, 2.5m per account
  5. Light

    Quests needed

    4m, provide staminas
  6. Heard it was no point doing it as huge companies can outmine you, and that using bots to mine coal in osrs can earn you more
  7. Light


  8. Bank said or paypal said?
  9. Light

    NMZ order

    Mind telling what attack/defense you already have?
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