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Everything posted by Light

  1. Light

    Full Gracefull

    Well, he is 72 agility, so we can't use canifis. Looks more like 12 hours, however, you said: "you can't get ~180 in 1 day".
  2. Light

    Full Gracefull

    Agility lvl and course?
  3. I removed the 1050 ti if you look one post above, the 650w and 750w is about 10-10$ difference, shouldnt be an issue to buy it. but if there is, and ill switch to 650w. dont think I dare to, if i now buy them
  4. Updated, removed the 1050 ti and replaced as charlotte said with 1060 price with up with 50$ I think I'll save another month and buy the new pc
  5. How big of a difference is there between a 1050 Ti 4Gb and a 1060 3GB? Price: 10619kr ~ 1180$ I'll either save up some more money or cut something down. Any tips on things to cut down? I kind of wanna keep the 240 ssd and the 16gb ram
  6. Witnesses report that they saw body parts lying on the ground.
  7. I'll look around at that website, thank you
  8. Light

    Sooo Syria?

    Also, this video explains briefly of what happened early friday in Syria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-DuBhsaEQE
  9. Light

    Sooo Syria?

    The United States is bombing Syria to show Syria to not bomb Syria.
  10. Hello guys, I'm planning to buy a new PC, since I'm tired of my current one (can't play the games I want with decent graphics), and I'm not a computer expert and would like some help from users that have some knowledge with computers. I have a budget of around 500-700$ to spend on computer parts, I'm not going to buy a pre-built. The website I'm going to use is "Inet" which a friend of mine told me about (if you have any other good websites that can deliver to Sweden, please post below). Games that I play/would like to play for example are: CSGO, Battleground, H1Z1, Total War; Warhammer, Rome 2 and Napoleon, Rust and ARK. When I'm going to look for computer parts, what should I look for? I don't understand what GHz, Inter/AMD, Cores actually means or what they do. If you want some more information, go ahead and ask me.
  11. not sure if you read the topic title
  12. not 2.5m.... 2.5m is just the bond. approximately 3.5-4m
  13. sorry i would have helped if you werent gay
  14. however the thing is just because you put 1.1 and 0.95 it doesn't mean it will sell/buy for that price
  15. green d hide, i'm not losing money since i clearly see that im making profit. how should i set the script up?
  16. not sure if I'm born with one extra chromosome or what, but I put 0.9 in sell and 1.1 in buy and this occurred?
  17. 10k+ followers, that are active? Niqqa who do you think we are? I'm glad with my ~400 followers, doubt anyone here on Osbot has over 2k legit followers 1k legit followers.
  18. Script it not working properly, it hovers and spazzez over the "aid" option in settings. https://transfer.sh/3eFeo/2017-03-22-21-26-25.mp4
  19. really wonder how you learned all this
  20. this niqqa want something that gives 2m/h by barely doing anything
  21. ah alright, but it's really game changing with stamina.
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