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Everything posted by Light

  1. How does the astral method work? Which walking method should I use and the inventory setup to be?
  2. could you add brutal black dragons?
  3. Fix brutal black dragons
  4. clan chat? ouuuuuutdated, just make the account promote itself as a hoster without a cc.
  5. Could you upload the script to a different host as I'm not able to access it, for some unknown reason .
  6. tried another method, I followed the guide you wrote.
  7. Oh alright, okay I just tested it. Oak doors in dungeons aren't working properly, there is an issue with the butler where it still has planks on him but the bot tries to talk to him to get more planks (to send it to the bank, but the bulter already has planks and he's not leaving until he has given you them all).
  8. Can you auth me a trial?
  9. didn't notice, however there is a gold option.
  10. Script doesn't even work, logs out whatever I do (gold ore).
  11. Can I have a trial please
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