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Osbot 2.2.37 - World Hopper And Lunar Spellbook


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For those of you who haven't read yet, I have a todo list which itemizes tasks for me to complete on OSBot (that thread can be found here). When I moved all the debugging options to the new debug tab, I did just that. When making the world hopper part of the new debug tab (instead of as a new window), I had no idea that it did nothing but open a new bot tab. So besides actually placing in the tab itself, it has new functionality.


The world hopper only works if you are running a script. If you are running a script and say for instance you don't want to stop it but wish to hop worlds (over-crowded locations for instance), select your world and press "hop". The worlds are auto-generated so ensure the world you are trying to hop to is a real world.



-Added Utilities method convertStrings(List<String>) - converts a list to an array

-Added Lunar Spellbook (thanks to @FrostBug for lending me his main account!)

-Small update to Pin Solver

-Added new functionality to world hopper debug

-Made world hopper a part of the debug tab


Happy Botting,

-The OSBot Staff

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