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Do People Actually Powerlevel/Quest By Hand?

Max Cash

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9 hours ago, Max Cash said:

I'm really curious, because at the prices a lot of these services are offered, I can't imagine anyone would be willing to do it by hand...

Does anyone know of a service that is proven to be manually done, or at least know of a method to verify if they're botting or not?


Thanks :D 

Most if not all major/veteran service providers offer it via hand. For my service at least I tend to make sure who I am hiring to work under me if I believe someone should have that chance also follows the same.

I have personally had the pleasure of working with @Maldesto along with the current staff ranks and previous before them. For some of us we know the best ways to level and quest efficiently so the price of our stuff may be a bit higher than say someone with a different stance.

An example would be, I charge 600k for the grand tree on average and take 10-20 minutes depending on if I’m supplied stamina potions and teleports, another service may charge 300-400k but they are extremely low feedback and have a different time to me/others like me.

I am not saying by all means you shouldn’t venture into other service providers with lower tier stuff, however I will advise that you ask them to use a middleman (there are free middlemen including myself) for your own safety along with them depositing a fee to make sure your account isn’t harmed.

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Some of the prices you see are a joke. Makes you really question if its worth servicing. If you're looking to get services done and you're worried about them botting or not, just make sure you go to people with a solid reputation (Not just a high number of feedback, but also a high number of specific feedback). We're a lot more expensive than you're average user but you do know your account wont be getting banned. 

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Premium prices for premium services. Just be wary of people offering you dirt cheap prices for services. I'm not saying all of them are botting, but it's more likely that people will bot your account when they have nothing to lose. So choose wisely. I've had a lot of people come to me, get a quote, tell me its too high. After a while, they come back to me saying they got scammed, or that their account was banned cause the person offering the services botted it. At the end of the day, it comes down to being cautious and doing your research before trusting someone.

In my entire osbot lifespan, I've only been wronged once, where someone botted my account and got it banned. Thankfully I gave it to him as a lvl 3. Since that time, (when I was at around like 15 feedback) I've never been wronged or had someone get one of my accounts banned because I do my research and talk to the person servicing my accounts before giving them access. 

1. Talk to the person working on your account and understand the kind of person they are. For eg. @SetYaName came to me offering to do services for me. From the way he spoke to me I found him to be rude and carefree. Unprofessional. I did not give him any work to do.

2. If you feel like an account is of great value to you, take a small deposit, to make the servicer know that if he messes up he has something to lose. If someone denies this, just do not give them access to your account. 

3. Find someone who is understanding, patient and on the whole is just a positive and efficient person. Any signs of negativity and I do not even reply to the person, Be it whether he is looking to get a service or carry out a service for me.


All in all, understand who you're dealing with, let their attitude determine your first step towards their overall assessment. Hope this makes things a little clearer for everyone looking to find find good, legitimate service providers.

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