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Everything posted by 0wne2dk1ll

  1. Ive had a similar account like this unbanned, however silly me suicided on zulrah
  2. Not really, but theres nothing from stopping me, did i touch a nerve?
  3. As Long as you dont bot on your main, you have no chance of being banned for botting on it
  4. Have you tried re installing osbot and restarting windows?
  5. ive obviously won, so dont know why you people are liking the post ;)
  6. I would like to do one account for 13.5m as im low feedback so gives me a chance to earn some shoot me a pm if interested.
  7. Is it possible to carry on the quest where the bot left off after dc? - For example the bot got half way through the shadow of the storm quest, after the chanting it dc'ed and the bot finished, now everytime i start the bot with the quest it runs to the GE and just doesnt move.
  8. Seems like a decent low pk account, however you wont be able to sell til you have 100 posts.
  9. Shit happens i guess, i got banned on 3 account the other day, im still getting my breaks / hours played worked out.
  10. Purchased this Script the other day, works like a dream, now im finding out there are even more quests being added god its like a dream come true! fucking questing manually
  11. "Any tips to better my chances of getting my main banned?" - im not sure whether you want your account banned or not?
  12. Now before you post below i know i have little Feedback therefore i know it would affect the price, HOWEVER lets pretend i had loads, im looking for a price check for when i do so here my currents stats (my main) Had a 2 day ban in 2016 Stats - Blacked out stats are 60 + (100% hosideous favour + 25% shayzien) https://gyazo.com/a385482e49231871b9a2dea0d424b3d2 Quests - Notable quests, mm1 - ddt - Zulrah unlocked, so regicide etc done, https://gyazo.com/491bf4dfe29019dc0eb26f53813e25f5 Untradeables - https://gyazo.com/20c38fc9776d9563d7a28df15d50b3fe let me know the current price i could get with my feedback and then a price for when i get better feedback, Thanks
  13. Can i have a trial please.
  14. The bot should be fine when its back up, if you dont feel it is, wait and let others report back to you.
  15. lets fucking goooooooooooooooooooo! win that GP
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