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Everything posted by 0wne2dk1ll

  1. 0wne2dk1ll


    Nope, and to further things i guess check your current basket and remove anything you dont want.
  2. 0wne2dk1ll


    I don't think so, if you didn't carry out the payment through paypal by actually signing into paypal and confirming ur payment details then you shouldn't be charged.
  3. no worries, if they are interested they should pm you over the course of the next few days
  4. How do you mean why? i was just being friendly and supportive.
  5. i may have a few friends that will be interested, ill link them.
  6. Not played this game in a long time, if i download ill play
  7. Do you agree to the T.O.S: Yes Will you pay the deposit in full: We have worked something out. What position(s) are you applying for: Powerleveling / Questing / Account Creation How many hours are you available a week: 6+ during the weekday 9+ during the weekend. Your Skype: Predzzzzzz
  8. Wanting to Start a Small Farm / Work for Services.

  9. What timezone are you? :GMT +1 What times are you available? : 9AM - 10pm Are you aged 18 or over? : yes i am 20. How often are you usually on the computer per day? : 7+hours on the weekday 9+hours on the weekend. How long have you played runescape? : ever since 2005 Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : since 2005 i have always provided a small time service to people that i knew from school etc, these things ranged from botting for people 24.7 that didn't have the ability to do so, botted for people that have a current level and wanted a desired level. provided other services such as quest completion and mini game completion (Fcape / void etc) i played and swapped servers in regard to private servers , i played pretty much every popular one (Soulsplit,ikov,etc) now up-until 2 weeks ago as i lost interest in playing them. Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : i played CSS / CSGO Reaching Global elite on one account and have a Eagle smurf. - briefly played both WOW and D3 - Played League of legends / Smite / Dota 2 / TF2 Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : unfortunately i can only speak English. What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : i am currently a student at Manchester uni studying Biology - it requires 2 lectures a week, therefore i have a lot of spare time on the computer. i also attend my gym everyday for 2 hours in the morning and night. Will this job be your main source of income? : it shall, this income will help me greatly while spending my time and university. Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : Not that i know of in regard to a bad past , as i have never being in trouble / disputes with people before. However i have always being a member of the black markets within games such as Rs3 / OSRS buying and selling gold for others / providing botting / questing services.
  10. Seems pretty awesome, ill be sure to check it out
  11. Do you agree to the T.O.S: Yes, I agree. Will you pay the deposit in full: I currently do not have a full amount however we could possibly work something out? What position(s) are you applying for: Powerlevelling / Questing How many hours are you available a week: 50+ Your Skype: Predzzzzzz
  12. GL buddy you shall have to keep us updated on how it goes
  13. GL and i look forward to your progress
  14. welcome to the forums buddy
  15. yeah i would deffo use a proxy just to make sure the possability of being banned is minimised.
  16. a sheep sheerer script + i shall pay for the logo.
  17. Hi this post is to help anyone (Including myself) what the current life expectancy of a bot is running a certain script. (please state the life expectancy of a bot if it was to run 24/7 with some regular breaks) For example State the name of the Script : And how long a Bot would be alive running said script : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to know how long a bot would go unbanned for running 24/7 with regular breaks with the script Khal Blast Furnace ====================================================================================================== Post below in this format please - State the name of the Script : And how long a Bot would be alive running said script til it got a ban :
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