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Everything posted by 0wne2dk1ll

  1. How much 07 gold do you have for sale?
  2. Would love to try the trail before purchase, i have posted a trail post.
  3. i doubt they have dropped this much , 1.4$-1.6$
  4. Can you do Firecapes/Void/Quests? (not required): How long are you online on weekdays/weekends?: What is your Time Zone: Do you have a 10M 07 Gp Deposit: yes What kind of things can you do for our services (Powerlevelling legit, Questing, Torsos, etc)?: powerleveling legit / Questing Have you added my Skype? : yes Why would you like to work for my services? (not required, but its nice to know) : yes Do you agree to the TOS?: yes
  5. nice to meet you, enjoy your stay _
  6. a sheep shearer bot that bank it in lumi
  7. 10% cut is what the owner takes from the job supplied to you, upon completion you get your payment.
  8. herblore is very fast.
  9. Nice release, looking forward to trying this out
  10. i have had 2 day bans on 3 of my mains while perma on 3 of my fresh accounts > all accounts was botting 10 hours + a day so this is a possibility.
  11. 91 / 99 defence, can you quote me a price? Also my skype is Predzzzzz How is it a scam?
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