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Everything posted by 0wne2dk1ll

  1. Looking For 5 accounts with tutorial island completed and rested for atleast 3 days. HMU with prices below
  2. Doesnt Cut down any tree's when doing dead fall at prickly kebbits, just hovers over the tree and never cuts it down. didnt know where to report so hope this is seen asap.
  3. How much are 70/70/70 accounts? i have a few of these laying around and wondered what they are worth? No skills high enough to be considered added value just pretty much 70 attack 70 str 70 def accounts. post below roughly what these accounts go for. thanks
  4. once you purchase the script you keep it forever.
  5. will be happy to do it for 13m. / Pm me if interested.
  6. Perfect Fighter is the ideal script for this.
  7. So as the title suggests, im finding it difficult to work out what to do inorder to level my accounts up high enough to use the nmz. So far on my accounts im doing all the attack exp quests + waterfall. its after these quests im struggling on what to train on (bot) to get it high enough level to bot the nmz with. my goal is to make nmz prod accounts as recently im botting skills before combat and getting them banned. any help is nice
  8. Im looking for a mid level / high level starter main with 72 slayer minimum. Im in no rush to buy as im just looking to see what is on offer. Im willing to buy account with 2day ban etc as im planning to play on this account legit. reply here or pm me accounts. thanks.
  9. Ive had a similar account like this unbanned, however silly me suicided on zulrah
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