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Everything posted by 0wne2dk1ll

  1. interested to see how this plays out but i think it will RIP my gmauler acc
  2. yeah every thursday osrs performs an update so more than likely osbot will be down until they update their side of things.
  3. how do you make money off it? i presume by selling the rsps gold? / / I want to try and use it on ALORA RSPS if thats possible?
  4. is it possible to bot on RSPS's? if so how. i want to learn/purchase scripts for a p server/
  5. The more you bot on an account the more chance of a ban happening is increased. we dont know how jagex work bans. ive botted on an account for 30mins and got banned but then ive botted on an account for 57 hours straight and no ban. i guess its a game of chance but use the premesis of botting more increases ban chance.
  6. i can do the same on injection - there is no proof mirror is better than injection. but if it works better for you all the better.
  7. will add will add on skype.
  8. 0wne2dk1ll

    pc on mm1

    43+ pray how much?
  9. possibly, i cannot remember however if you can link me his shop ill be able to tell you as i remember the layout of the website etc. was from this website. https://accounts.rs/
  10. cannot remember the provider. was a user on here that had a website that you could purchase them from automated.
  11. So i bought 50 tutorial accounts like a month ago, first time logging in i try doing tutorial island (hand done) and every account seems to get locked half way in. because there is no set email on the accounts its locked and im unable to unlock them, so before logging in i log into the account on the web browser. register an email and try again. yet again half way through tutorial island i get locked out again. But this time because ive got an email im able to recover and change password. However after leaving the account for an hour (after changing pw) i log in with the new pw and try to complete tutorial island yet again. However x amount of time goes by and im locked again. Im not using a proxy however anyone think this would help? however if registering an email on my ip then suddenly using a proxy to play wouldn't that trigger the same outcome in looking the account? Would love some help and advice please as out of the 50 accounts ive bought (a month ago) ive tried 4 and all are getting locked so before attempting more i would love to know how to prevent such things. Thanks in advance!
  12. Can i have an upgrade to the latest version please i have an active subscription already just want the latest version thanks
  13. 0wne2dk1ll

    Can you?

    Can you Quash RWT bans? just found out i got a RWT ban on my main even though i didnt use it to purchase gold, can you quash them?
  14. looking to purchase 1 UK proxy to test it out.
  15. Quality video just goes to show how simple some scripts are to get into! looking forward to more content Fren
  16. not sure if the updates live atm but just tried it now and problem persists. Ill try again later to make sure the update is live.
  17. This is also happening for me! @Khaleesi
  18. i can do two accounts and will be able to use your proxy - if interested shoot me a pm.
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