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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. I am just commenting to post that this decision is final.
  2. Not being able to run.... back in the original runescape days. I met a guy who gave me a black sword and I was friends with him for 10+ years we talked on fb etc until he got into drugs.
  3. If you attempted a chargeback you lost the scripts. Feel free to pm me.
  4. Scammer mad someone scammed him? Lul. Chuckle I don't know about sythe but if I were you I would recover the account and refund the victims. But sythe is a different forum so may want to consult with them.
  5. Maldesto


    This is hilarious!!!
  6. I don't see any chat box emotes being added anytime soon, I don't have access to that.
  7. Is it still doing this? @Alek
  8. Maldesto

    Stealth Quester

    I took it down because it is broken and @Token hasn't fixed it. And he is supposed to let me know when fixed.
  9. Maldesto

    VIP Problem

    I will fix when i get home from work if no one has.
  10. Thank you for all that you've done, if you ever get the time to come back you can do so immediately.
  11. Bots have been around since 2002 for runescape, they've never shut down one completely. Clearly they won't do anything about bots, only helper clients which they aren't profiting from. All runelite has to do is make a "pro" version for 5.00 and give jagex a % and they will let them stay.
  12. Maldesto

    Stealth Quester

    That is up to the scripter when he gets it fixed.
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