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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Well he isn't even 16 and acts his age, and dream wasn't to far off, so that is obviously one big reason.
  2. That is a twig, it would have left a small dent.
  3. I love when people go behind my back and all the other staff to a developer that barely uses the forums to try to get a rank. Like I'm going to say well since laz promoted you its fine, good try kids.
  4. Don't worry, I removed them. Laz didn't know we didn't go just off the date.
  5. Not sure you read op. You are basing it off of their avatars, so you pick a girl in a hat for sex to defend you
  6. Maldesto

    OSBot 2.2.12

    Maxi was gone handling real life issues, that any of us would have been gone for just as long. It's some tough times hes went through, but glad he is back.
  7. Maldesto

    OSBot 2.2.12

    Glad you are back Maxi
  8. There is no extra steps you can take, anyone that says different isn't right. The original owner can take the account back in a matter of hours.
  9. Welcome back bro, glad the launch went great.
  10. Post on the thread for kcutter and he will assist you.
  11. Create another account and see if it lets you then. Actually try now. If It doesn't work now, try creating another account and seeing if that works.
  12. Not sure if this works, I've never tried it. You could always set your account for #2, but use #1 for 3 hours then take a break, and when it logs back in it will log in the saved account #2. Which then after the 3 hours or whatever you can stop the bot, so you will get 3 hours on each account.
  13. I voted Dex, Eliot, Asuna. Dex because he sucks me off, eliot cuz he sucks me off and asuna because obvious reasons
  14. I really think its meat, low levels use it, new people use it. You have to think everyone that starts cooks at least 1 piece of meat in the tutorial + when they train on chickens/cows for the first 20 levels, they use that.
  15. Maldesto


    greenday sucks balls
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