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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Apple sucks really bad. My iphone is junk and will never buy another apple product again.
  2. I have alerted the user to post here and also moved to the TWC group.
  3. Thanks for your hard work and dedication!
  4. Welcome, for those wondering once we have a stable Rs07 bot + Rs3 bot we will be changing our domain name most likely. Also you have to remember Laz/Zach/Maxi/Alek are not working on the Rs3 bot at all as far as I know. They are still working on the 07 bot until the Rs3 bot is ready and by then we will be the most stable 07 bot out there.
  5. Sucks, phone is slower and buggy.
  6. Maldesto


    I was thinking the same thing:P
  7. Maldesto


    Anyone else give it a try?
  8. refresh your premium scripts tab it is there.
  9. Maldesto


    Looks nice dex anyone got any other try's?
  10. Maldesto


    I am looking for a logo The two letters being used are A and W, they will need an infinity symbol. https://www.google.com/search?q=infinity+symbol&safe=off&rlz=1C1GIGM_enUS564US564&espv=2&biw=1251&bih=931&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=veETVOq3N46wyATm4oHYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ I mean it can me anything made of rope, anything just need something professional. You can water mark it, we will compensate you if used. Example, we would like to use red/black, but would definitely venture other colors.
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