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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. You also have to count that more than half of those 13k were botters, now we have less than that. The bans are coming more and more, and people stopped botting as they got what they want out of it and can't risk it any more. They opened up f2p, which made a lot more LEGIT players come over. In my opinion the number may have grown, but the people actually botting has dropped. Check when the servers are about to go offline thursday the number before and the number after. Used to the worlds would all get to under 50 people.
  2. When 07 was actually out live time, there was over 100k on 24/7.
  3. Multiple reasons Runescape is dying in general. Developers on here went MIA for a whole month or more. The owner of this site and developer is mia for months at a time without saying one word. The ban system Jagex is using is getting very good and people can barely bot any more without getting banned. It's sad to see, but it's true. Runescape is an old game, that is way behind in development, and looks like a cartoon compared to other games.
  4. I was just curious on what every one thought about this?
  5. I would like to see all of the OSBot 1 scripts and OSBot 1 completely killed off by August 15th.
  6. I wouldn't be against making the winner be a vip only script. Agree 100%, I am was no part of the last scripting competition and think this one will go a lot smoother with Eric/Alek/Divinity heading it. If they all can give it some dedication. I can't really give much if any input on scripting related issues, except maybe what the prize and such could be.
  7. They put me in charge to handle them, I stay in contact with them on skype/text messages. I guess I could log in each of their accounts 1 time a day to make it look like they were online so you guys will chill out.
  8. We did this for the acp, and it discouraged every one from using the acp. It is a pain in the ass having to get your phone out every damn time. Not happening.
  9. The current one you have is 10x better than the one you posted.
  10. feel free to pm me the scripts you have and we will look into it, but seems like you were phished, if only two accounts were stolen from.
  11. Maldesto


    Welcome to OSBot.
  12. offline on the forums.............. you do know when he sits down at the computer he doesn't open the forums, that is why I'm here and the other staff. They are developers, not forum admins.
  13. Nice title of the thread though.
  14. dang, was hoping it was true.
  15. I thought it was obvious, that @Alex won. do you even read shit.....
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