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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. why would it last only a weekend...?
  3. You can hide the ign and just don't show what world you're in to avoid the trolls. It'd definitely make you stand out from other services if you offer this as an option.
  4. Lmk your rates! Skype: honeydewbubblet
  5. I'll buy all Skype: honeydewbubblet
  6. There's a random clicker out there where you can customize a rectangular area on your screen where the autoclicker will click at random. I had it perform right clicks anywhere between 13-15 minute random intervals. I also had the autoclicker randomly click overloads with spaced out time selection for that extra exp/hr. Got to 99 att/str/def doing this every night when I went to bed!
  7. -Bought, close thread please-
  8. AI and machine learning with Java sounds amazing!
  9. How could you forget the #1 botting rule. Never bot on an account you're afraid of losing. Hell, even for 5 minutes a day.
  10. there's a guy with 13 accounts that still have max cash stacks selling bills of gold so it did affect the game.
  11. Heya, just incase you've been out of the loop, there's been a huge bug regarding loads of people getting max cash stack. Jagex rolled bad their servers and we're supposedly good now but I'd hold on buying large quantities for a while considering well it's jagex.
  12. I mean what were you guys expecting? rollback was pretty dam obvious. Trillions gp leaked into game or sacrifice 20minutes of gameplay... hmm.
  13. @Chris for the lava maze walking update, do we have to check the "use regular walker" or leave it unchecked? Leaving in unchecked atm and seems to be doing a lot better.
  14. If you're into partying, Gangnam is good. Honestly, it's a small place country... something that you can do is hop on a train route and go visit every single city on the line! Switch to another route and repeat! Koreans are hella racist and show attraction/courtesy/interest towards Caucasians and anything else they tend to keep to themselves.
  15. Thanks for the quick responses! Also, after the update, for some reason it seems to not bank the nature runes anymore after a trip back from the GDKS at lava dragons? It just keeps the runes in the inventory and tps to lava maze. Was wondering why I only had 15 nats after a 400+kill session when I caught it (ran it while I was sleeping).
  16. Could you please work on the routing for lava maza GDK as well? Still gets stuck For anyone that's having issues like me, I believe a quick temporarily solution is to tic "remember username" on the client so that it doesn't auto-relog. Unless Osbot updated that...
  17. From my personal experiences, I don't think you have to worry TOO MUCH about "flagged IP." The reason why I don't believe in it is because how would Jagex handle people that are using computers at the library, public hot spots, university wifi, labs, shared computers etc? Personally I got a ton of accounts banned from my home IP when I was new to the botting scene. However, I have a "legit" main account that I never bot on and it has yet to be banned. I can't speak for the massive scale botters that have everything automated and run 100s of accounts but from a small-scale mid/high level tier botting perspective, I found a nice balance of one or two accounts per computer was the way to last the longest. No Proxy, VPN tinfoil BS. Only time I would use proxies/vpns would be when I have accounts that are ready to bot high-end content such as barros/zulrah and I'll exclusively bot that on a specific proxy until they get banned and recover it from creation IP. From Jagex, account review end, it'll look like the account "got hacked." Probably gave away a nice "secret" that many experienced botters use. In regards to the accounts getting banned from manually doing tut, etc on a osbot client, I had a similar experience. For some reason, I was getting banned for manual completion on bot clients. The reason why I said you don't have to worry too much about "flagged IP" is that I found that a mixture of completing tuts by hand partially on an official client and finishing the rest with any tut script was good enough to get the account through the first day. I believe flagged IP does play a factor but it seems more of a 95% pattern recognition:5% flagged ip ratio for bans. just my two cents! Hope y'all have better results with botting from my insight. Doesn't hurt to try ?
  18. ^this. Is it really that hard to verify with PMs?
  19. Pm me your Skype or discord, I could do this for 1m as well and stream it live so that you know it wasn't botted.
  20. Welcome to HoneyDewBubbleT's Mage Arena Services Thread Discord: Honeydewbubblet#1856 Email: Honeydewbubbletks@gmail.com (fastested response) Payment method: 07 GP / PayPal (Trusted users only) Available Services: God Cape for 43+ prayer accounts : 500k God spell unlocks : 2.4m (800k per spell) God Cape Imbued for 43+ prayer accounts Accounts with 70hp+ 5m Accounts with 50-70hp 8m Anything less 10m Prices for lvl 1 prayer accounts is negotiable and is a case by case basis. Order format: - Did you add me on Discord, send me a PM, or send me an email? - What is the requested service? - Do you agree to the TOS? Terms of Service 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund.2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund.3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade)6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)
  21. From scratch, including god spell unlocks, I'll do it for 8.5m.
  22. @Tom What are your stats? HP, magic, prayer, def?
  23. thanks! Wow i posted very last minute too haha. Lucky~
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