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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Bamboozled

  1. -norandoms disables Osbots login handler/ALL random events then you'd have your own Login Event like this http://osbot.org/forum/topic/109560-a-simple-login-handler/ & then maybe something like if(!getClient().isLoggedIn){ execute(LoginEvent); or logging in lol this dismisses all random NPCs without the -norandoms in CLI
  2. Can i sit in that mini chair up front plz
  3. Thank you for feedback, means a lot Update 12/10/2016: 14 accounts 70+ mining, waiting on Simple Runecrafter SDN release/approval, released Simple Runecrafter to the public - visit here
  4. Game time, you have a goal and you've set a plan! (execute);
  5. Purchased a 180x180 logo! Came out very sleek and eye appealing. Mio is definitely a great designer and works fast, will be purchasing more in the future! Thank you again
  6. Your display picture has me laughin so hard
  7. ass as thicc as a bowl of oatmeal
  8. Need a few things done if you have time! Added on skype.
  9. Make chatbox great again! #Muffins4CBA #Juggles4CBA #Imateamcape4CBA #Zappster4CBA All active helpful brothers & I mean CBA isn't really anything other than a headache, so the more the better to help keep the stress levels low lol
  10. As long as you keep following and leaving feedback this will be updated thank you bro VIP would of helped immensely as running 1 client gets pretty lame =p Ideally essence runner is a script that runs Essence to a master account that you are on trading by hand, you can read more about it here http://osbot.org/forum/topic/110504- Update 12/6/2016: Essence Runner released to public on SDN, you can add it to your collections here - Phase 2 going smooth, haven't seen many bans just a long phase from levels 60-85 on multiple accounts!
  11. Muffins deserves CBA back, he brings sunshine to my day and plenty others!! HE'S A BLESSING TO THIS COMMUNITY! Hope one day theres a 'block chatbox chat' like there is 'ignore private messages' so people who can't handle the brotherly love don't have to participate ! Kittens though really went out of his way to have you demoted =/ it was all fun and games that's the confusing part, if you truly felt harassed or offended it would of all been stopped? You played along just like everyone else! Thought we were grown men having fun lol. BOGUS DEMOTION MAKE CHATBOX GREAT AGAIN! #Muffins4CBA
  12. No because how this community works, veterans protect the other veterans. So we need Mald or Dex to exclude that factor and go off logic, whether the person is in the wrong or not, regardless if they've been here for years.
  13. Laughed so hard, let us know if a huge ban wave hits you lol
  14. Time to get working on that farm get super sexy and super wealthy, then when she comes crawling back let her know you're no longer interested
  15. Grats on release my guy! Keep it updated and keep up the great customer support! Will test it soon
  16. Most likely a scam, as this user scammed someone for a measly 8m. Be cautious trading with this guy. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/111293-scam-report-elijah/
  17. Careful Fishing.. Idk if you know what happened in this Spongebob episode..
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