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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Khal pest, but pest control is a hotspot atm
  2. https://gyazo.com/c831fde723775f6d9f442b2372313622 self explanatory proof that this is the best aio miner :p Posting more 7K Ores mined in total so far
  3. on my imac i use like 1-2 brightness bars lol but that's cus i never play games on it or anything but when i play league or csgo i put it to half never surpass that unless it's a movie or a video and it's dark (in the video/movie)
  4. Can I suggest Perfect AIO Scape?
  5. Can vouch for Czar, gotten 2 accs in one sitting 41-85 (30h+ proggy plus @ custom location power chopping) :P Doing my 3rd account now and i'll post pics! Also even though it's a separate script I highly recommend perfect fletch I risked my main with 2 years of legit effort and I did 1-99 in one week and I made profit too! CZAR ARMYY
  6. I'm sorry my dad banned you but as a rebellious son i'd advise you to transfer the wealth to another account ;/ If the account isn't 'amazing' in it's skills and accomplishments suicide it If it is then just keep it and play legit or sell it off but if you do sell it off the value has dropped substantially
  7. Have an acc but it's not at the caliber of ur main it's 1.3k total atm but decent levels (70 pray/75+ melee stats (70 attk) 80 range/mage) full void etc
  8. Can i has trial for life time plz
  9. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/s4WRD3 What I want includes the monitor and os etc in the custom parts what is the cheapest I can get this for (not eBay) and also I'm from uk so no American sites etc xD but yeah I was hoping 750 max? I can get lower spec parts maybe if it is inevitable lol. However I'd prefer to get something like this (don't mind going for a Lower grade psu but it has to be fully modular cus I hate all the wires considering I've never built in my life lol) Amazon uk is an example where u can get some parts cheaper
  10. u have -1 feedback nty :xdoge:
  11. Saiyan

    Fruity NMZ

    Used this for one day gained lots of expssss and I got 1.2m points imbued my slay helm i love frooty i hope he marries me over his gf <3
  12. Well done mate i'll let you know if this works!
  13. Saiyan

    Help plz

    purchase a mirror from the shops stand infront of it chant mirror mode plz then if it says hooks failed go stock up on fishing hooks then say ryan fix mirror plz :xdoge:
  14. I have 1b in stock buy it all for 1.05 p/m or 1.15 individually
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