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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. My worst experience was playing 2 years of rs legit
  2. czar lad :c auth me thissss (BottedAtYews)
  3. My dad drives a bmw m5 2014 if that makes u feel better Jokes aside lol, take care man! Be careful when driving As driving is one of the leading causes of death
  4. Did I say unltd That was probably a typo 24h trial plssss
  5. Osbuddy does not work with osbot mirror mode as people above stated web client or download the osrs client If that doesn't work stock up on some hooks at the fishing store and by a new mirror lad http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Browse/ID72/33015564/c_1/1%7Ccategory_root%7CHome+and+garden%7C33005908/c_2/2%7C33005908%7CHome+furnishings%7C33007198/c_3/3%7Ccat_33007198%7CMirrors%7C33015564.htm
  6. Saiyan


    Chelsea are shit anyway ez win
  7. I dont have a penis to begin with.
  8. Can I have an unltd auth lad
  9. NOOOOOOOOO DONT LEAK LE TASKS PLZ I want to keep the [TASK SYSTEM] as my tags
  10. Saiyan

    Stealth Quester

    I can finally get my quest cape now
  11. U want us to basically make you a script
  12. conditional sleep i think so for the return of the conditonal sleep it'd be getBank().isOpen
  13. But why not just do cook food etc in the main class? Might be a bit more messy but if it dont work doing it separately just do it in one class?
  14. Cant read most of it cus it's white af
  15. They get reset to lvl 1 man Your fucked bro gg
  16. Ye something similar happened to me yday ;/
  17. how much would it cost for you to make me a 4 brand new level 41 mining accs from scratch un-reg emails etc qoute me a price
  18. He's busy with his exams in college (revising etc.) So I doubt he'll be available any time soon.. ;/
  19. What about people like me who don't even wipe their ass but they just pull up their trousers
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