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OSBot (Free)

Bank Rupt

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I know i might cop hate for this post but it does need to be said, I know i'll get people that agree.


The amount of scripts that cost $2-10 and thats just to use that one script. If someone buys VIP they're also paying money to be able to use mirror, I understand paying for VIP for mirror etc, But what i don't understand is 1 Script Developer having multiple scripts that all cost, This is unfair on the community. I haven't been on here for long but almost every script i try find they're premium and have to be bought. 


I think this situation needs to be discussed and re-considered, It's a free bot but you have to pay for scripts not many people do enjoy that idea.


What's your POV?

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I know i might cop hate for this post but it does need to be said, I know i'll get people that agree.


The amount of scripts that cost $2-10 and thats just to use that one script. If someone buys VIP they're also paying money to be able to use mirror, I understand paying for VIP for mirror etc, But what i don't understand is 1 Script Developer having multiple scripts that all cost, This is unfair on the community. I haven't been on here for long but almost every script i try find they're premium and have to be bought. 


I think this situation needs to be discussed and re-considered, It's a free bot but you have to pay for scripts not many people do enjoy that idea.


What's your POV?


No thank you, the script writers need to be paid for there work point blank. If you want some freeloading 100% ban rate script I'd advise using a lower demand client. OSbot is the leading botting software around these parts and forgive me for being so blunt but nothing great is ever free. 


Edit: there are also some pretty good ass free scripts on osbot, well from what I have used all of the free scripts are baws, maybe there are none for certain skills but hey!!! gonna spend some money to make some.

Edited by ServerGeeks
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I mean I see your point and to some extent I agree... but as a guy with 3 free scripts and 2 premium scripts, I have found that I hear nothing but shit about my free scripts with people complainin about them and whining etc, but never hear a single thank you when it's working well. I don't feel like writing more free scripts if people just leech off them and complain when they don't work. The reason I have a few premium scripts is not only because I want money or recognition - the more people using a script, potentially the more dangerous it is. When you buy a premium script, you should expect timely updates, good maintenance and a lower userbase. I wouldn't touch a free script with a 10 foot pole



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First of all are there are plenty of free scripts, not only on the SDN also local scripts offer free use.


Now let's imagine you are the scripter...

... you put a lot of hard work into making a script, a lot of time, a lot of effort to push updates and in general keep the script up to date...

... would you make this for free?


And also, imagine all goldfarming scripts would be free?

The result would be a destroyed economy in rs...


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I understand the concept of having premium scripts considering that scriptwriters put alot of hard work and effort into creating them. But in saying that someone can't just create one script and expect it to be flawless and people pay money for it. I have bought scripts before and have now, and will in future but i don't think that 80% of scripts should have to be bought. 


I know that most people don't give any CnC feedback on scripts but that's a toll you have to take when you decide to write scripts you can't expect everyone to know you and how good your scripts are going to be.


Edited by Bank Rupt
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It's very simple, see the scripts as tools. You are here to make money, the tools(in this case the scripts) will help you get that. You have to invest to gain more, simple as that. Eventually you will make MORE then the money you invested in buying the script.


On a side note, scripters only get about 70% of the payment(not sure the exact % but it's around that), the leftovers go to OSBot itself. Everyone is here to make money. 

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The amount of scripts that cost $2-10 and thats just to use that one script.

uhh. is there a script for all of RS? The scripts that cost me like what... 5$ ? Have made me over 500$ back in return. So Whose really getting ripped off ?


. If someone buys VIP they're also paying money to be able to use mirror, 

Uhh what? People buy VIP for the listed features, mirror is clearly off there.



But what i don't understand is 1 Script Developer having multiple scripts that all cost, This is unfair on the community. 


How is it not fair? They wrote the script, they get paid? Sounds fair to me. They were kind enough to share it with us


I haven't been on here for long but almost every script i try find they're premium and have to be bought. 



not only are there a ton of free scripts, but they are nice enough to be already installed for the most part. + all the ones in the local section


I think this situation needs to be discussed and re-considered, It's a free bot but you have to pay for scripts not many people do enjoy that idea.


Free bot with free and premium scripts, or go buy a bot where it's not free and still have to buy the scripts anyway because all the free ones are garbage. It's a FREE bot, where do you think the support revenue for constant updated and otherwise is gained? 

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