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[Dev Build] OSBot 2.5.9 - Plugins and Resizable Mode (WIP)


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Download: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.9.jar


The plugins selector is now finished in the client, starting work hardcore on resizable mode. If resizable mode doesn't come to fruition, it's not all lost because at the very least the client will be more future-proof and all the API is getting looked at over again. All that's really left on resizable mode is a few more API classes and working on the client interface.

The scripts page will have a list for plugins soon. 



-Plugins tab now functional in Script Selector

-Bank API works on resizable
-DepositBox API works on resizable
-Store API works on resizable
-Chatbox API works on resizable
-GrandExchange API works on resizable
-LogoutTab API works on resizable
-Worlds API partial resizable mode support

-Greatly improved Worlds API world hopping, a lot more stable on first hop attempt
-Worlds API and Logout API dependency cleaned up
-Verified store is open before using buy/sell methods
-CachedWidget accepts new constructor, which takes in a parent CachedWidget
--Allows cached widgets to have predicates based on predicates
-Added CachedWidget setParent
-Added LogoutTab isOpen()
-Added Worlds isOpen()

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On 5/18/2018 at 10:15 PM, Signatures said:

still no new break handler.... :feels:

Works fine for me ? 
Not sure what you mean ?

On another note:
Thank you for re-sizable <3  Was always curious when this would come. 
Think it would maybe add a "anti-ban" ? I'm sure they can tell what mode we are using and referencing ect when doing bans. Not sure.

Edited by WhoKnew
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While you're looking over all the API id like to make a suggestion to the dialogue handler. Im not a dev so i couldnt tell you why it is the way it is but i personally think it goes thought the dialogues really slow.

One of my methods buys an item through an npc's dialogue and when i compare filling an inventory up by hand vs the bot i found that im losing about 20 seconds due to the speed of the dialogue handler.

I know you're working hard to give us the best botting experience. Love you.

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On 5/20/2018 at 7:33 PM, The Devil said:

While you're looking over all the API id like to make a suggestion to the dialogue handler. Im not a dev so i couldnt tell you why it is the way it is but i personally think it goes thought the dialogues really slow.

One of my methods buys an item through an npc's dialogue and when i compare filling an inventory up by hand vs the bot i found that im losing about 20 seconds due to the speed of the dialogue handler.

I know you're working hard to give us the best botting experience. Love you.

That's an issue in the script. You may have too many sleeps or wrong sleep conditions. 

Osbot can go through dialogues instantly if you code it to

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