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F2P Progressive Lobsters

A simple yet effective script to get you from 1 to 40 (and beyond) fishing, whilst making some easy F2P GP!


What does this script do?

Put simply this script will get you from 1 to 40 fishing then continue to fish Lobsters; it will do this by fishing shrimp and anchovies at the Lumbridge swamp fishing spot until level 20 then once we have achieved level 20 we shall drop all unnecessary items such as raw shrimps and anchovies and our small fishing net. We will then move on to the Lumbridge river fishing spot where we will fish trout and salmon until we hit level 40 fishing, once we have achieved level 40 fishing we shall drop all unnecessary items and head over to Port Sarim to charter to Musa point and start/continue fishing Lobsters! 


How to use:

Simply start the script with the following items in inventory and recommended settings applied!

Must have:

Coins (recommended ~10,000; for when we reach Lobsters)

Small fishing net

Fly fishing rod

Feathers (recommended ~1,000)

Lobster pot


Hide NPC attack options

Having "shift drop" turned OFF as it seems to sometimes drop incorrect items

Have breaks and dismiss randoms turned OFF else may cause script to bug



Disclaimer: This script is intended for gold-farming/suiciding; please do not use on accounts that you value!


Please contact me via PM if using any code from this project.



Current version source code: https://pastebin.com/PyAHApXZ

Current version download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/35i9ixbaa606ufd/Castro - F2P Progressive Lobsters v0.3.jar


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Edited by Castro_
Fixed name change for lure fishing spot
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  On 12/4/2017 at 8:05 PM, Castro_ said:


F2P Progressive Lobsters

A simple yet effective script to get you from 1 to 40 (and beyond) fishing, whilst making some easy F2P GP!


What does this script do?

Put simply this script will get you from 1 to 40 fishing then continue to fish Lobsters; it will do this by fishing shrimp and anchovies at the Lumbridge swamp fishing spot until level 20 then once we have achieved level 20 we shall drop all unnecessary items such as raw shrimps and anchovies and our small fishing net. We will then move on to the Lumbridge river fishing spot where we will fish trout and salmon until we hit level 40 fishing, once we have achieved level 40 fishing we shall drop all unnecessary items and head over to Port Sarim to charter to Musa point and start/continue fishing Lobsters! 


How to use:

Simply start the script with the following items and recommended settings applied!

Must have:

Coins (recommended ~10,000; for when we reach Lobsters)

Small fishing net

Fly fishing rod

Feathers (recommended ~1,000)

Lobster pot


Hide NPC attack options

Having "shift drop" turned OFF as it seems to sometimes drop incorrect items







nice release!

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  On 12/4/2017 at 8:17 PM, Juggles said:

Nice are you going to add muling + acc replacement too 


Thanks :) and maybe although unlikely to be anytime soon

  On 12/4/2017 at 8:23 PM, RichardH95 said:

Looks great might start a account! Regarding items do you leave in inventory or do you place them in the bank?


Start the script with all required items in inventory and nothing else! The script will drop all unnecessary items once they've served their purpose :) 

Edited by Castro_
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  On 12/5/2017 at 3:55 AM, Sofakin said:

Are you able to release the source code? I would love to learn from it.


You can decompile the .jar and you should be able to view it! Feel free to PM me if you’re having any issues and i’ll send you the source :)

  On 12/5/2017 at 5:23 AM, emigdiodia said:

i love :D thanks


Thank you for using it!

  On 12/5/2017 at 6:19 AM, RichardH95 said:

Ran well over night. Can’t believe how many f2p lobster bots there are tho ??


Awesome that it ran well! There sure is a few

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Threw this up on 10 accs when testing Explv's OSBot manager.
Kind of forgot about them but 6 of the accounts are sat at Karamja lobsters with ~1.8k-2.2k lobsters each after letting them go for about 12 hours and they're still going.

Of the other 4 accs, 3 got banned and 1 died at around 28 fishing.

Fairly stable script - with some sort of handling for when under attack + muling support for supplying bots/collecting lobsters you're farm ready.

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  On 12/6/2017 at 6:40 PM, loop7 said:

Threw this up on 10 accs when testing Explv's OSBot manager.
Kind of forgot about them but 6 of the accounts are sat at Karamja lobsters with ~1.8k-2.2k lobsters each after letting them go for about 12 hours and they're still going.

Of the other 4 accs, 3 got banned and 1 died at around 28 fishing.

Fairly stable script - with some sort of handling for when under attack + muling support for supplying bots/collecting lobsters you're farm ready.


Interesting! I appreciate the testing, also the accounts shouldn’t be dying as long as the NPC attack options are turned to hidden, although i could probably add a failsafe so that it’ll run away if in combat

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  On 12/7/2017 at 10:10 AM, Castro_ said:



I'm pretty sure you can use widgets to click the "Hide NPC Attack" might chuck that in as a nice feature for the startup. :)


Edit ; Nice release though, I like the logic of the script. Might gonna make myself an script with this as an example when I have some free time.

Edited by Failure
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