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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. Ok, so i have main with 84def/range. 79 slayer. I want to get 90def/range and do bossing, but i'm not sure how should i train.. Shoud i go with slayer + cannon? Or maybe camp avianses in wild gwd for good profit/xp? Any suggestions? I know hcinning is fastest, but it cost much too.
  2. guywithlsd


    Thinking on buying it...ofc it's so sad you don't make Anti PK for blak chins or smth..cuz atm there is no script to handle black chins for sweet 500k/h : D
  3. This is probably most important thing on botting now days... I botted 3 months with no bans, 8-10h day without breaks...then I switched to another low quality script, 1 day of 5h botting and i'm banned on 2 account.. Qulity in first place.
  4. Nice guide...sad, the day i will play this game legit will never come q.q
  5. Idk, i don't bot much, but i havn't recived ban in ages... Ofc, when i goldfarm, i bot same thing 24/7, but i split work on 3 account, so basicly, 1 account bots 8 hours and then break for 16 hours (:
  6. Ok, so when im wth my 70cmb small main in gwd i can't attack any monsters with left mouse buttons, only with right - > click Attack but somehow, on my lvl 60 pure i can do this...the option to attack with left mouse button is up. So maybe some one know what effect this?
  7. guywithlsd


    Such a noooobs..... Ew, bot 07.
  8. That black thing all around your signature and avatar harm me. I say..No.
  9. guywithlsd

    im twc

    lol no. u are attentio whore.
  10. Does it steal only from Tea Stall, or from other stalls too?
  11. lol, this is gay game you have to bot. not play
  12. Okay, is it possible to manage osbot after 2hours of account No1 doing some work log out, and then, break handlers or something logs in another account, and start same script with same GUI with account No2. So, if i have 2 account, i can expand botting time to let say 6h aday, while i bot 2 accounts, so 3h of botting for one account. Alot safer then 6h on one account.
  13. Im going to use it on my dedicated server only for botting,
  14. Deso osbot works on XP? Planning on buying VDS with XP windows installed. but need to know that it works first (:
  15. Jesus crsit. you can't trust no one in these forums..n0 0n3...
  16. I think you no-life with this alot...man, i would probably nolife battlefield heroes my self if i would have something close to this...
  17. Yes. And depends what u call vet acc. I would say around 1month old+ account from some one who don't bot and play legit is enought for less bans. It is absolutely not in any way.
  18. Idk, i don't bot like crazy with osbot, so can't tell. But i have account i use 3-8h/day straight. And leave overnight (almost allways find stucked in random) and it still not banned... But all in all, it's high...not sure if it's because of jagex, or because of osbot noob devs who can't fix randoms.
  19. I would try for sure, but from comments i have oppinion that it's same huge ban rates with fungus as it was with osbot1 QQ....will try to follow your thread and check how ppl are doing.
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