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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. You are not using breaks..? 10/10
  2. I got 3x 95 fletchers cmb lvl 3, no email registred - fake login email. Would sell only all 3 of them as they all have same psw.
  3. Sell on PA. Good money, no cancer ppl. Just drop acc for good price and leave until someone buys
  4. Anyone tryed gdk @ v171? would try my self but i know this was not working for some time so don't want to bond acc if not working..
  5. i know google - how to do slay task with friend osrs" and all your questions will be answered
  6. @Explv Hi, heres bug report for crafting runes for 10 mintes - breaking. So First time what i did, i seleted to break after 3 minutes for 2 mins/ So bot started a break and kidna crashed. I hope you can see it in photo. Script is stopped, but not fully. Had to click button my self. https://gyazo.com/f04de79ddf9130ff4b80be3372361096 Now another test i tryed, i turned off LowCPU + I changed time. This time Break handler wouldn't even trigger. https://gyazo.com/b0ca8c21c3042a428301aa8d76142ab4
  7. You probably have died there like...5 times now... as mugger got your un-lucki lvl 3 fatbotbutt,
  8. wait..if i don't have some req it will skip quest? ..nice man..nice..nice
  9. @Token hello. I was thinking...if you would change order of quests in NMZ part..that would be more then perfect. If you leave Loct City last, then u can run NMZ to get max melee xp + some hp for pure, and stop at lost city, as its the only quest that has req's. Is that possible? Would not need re-run script just to skip lost city.
  10. She milar issue with firemaking. Would walk on tile, make few fire, runon another tile, make there few. Same happens in varrock / draynorCooking part working good. Wc looks like work too. To bad it doesn't use teleports so cant do 1-36 wc as walking to camelot is a death for 10hp acc.
  11. @@Transporter@@Transporter hey, is wc and fm working Atm?
  12. You don't need trial for this script. And dude, please, drop atleast small sneak-peak on new quests that will be added, or when it will happen : D
  13. ok, thanks. that sucks but oh well, ill have lesson now.
  14. So if i buy private ghoul fighter from you, and forget to ask "will it work with break handler?" you can refuse to fix problem like this with breaking or charge like 20m for fix? just curious..as this script buying this is such wild west thing..want to be prepared for next purchase..
  15. okay, so if dude who made my script is telling me this, how should i react? i mean..i was at his side, as it looks like break handler fault, not script. I mean, client handles breaks, not script. If client decides when to break, it should decide conditions too, not only time.. https://gyazo.com/2d4d9eee76f7a7a9f0ca45725bc750d1 lol what if its not even close to a combat script, but in a lot of parts of it it get attacked..only safe when banking.
  16. is there a difference in mirror and simple client? i wanted to create thread for normal client, not mirror mode or anything.
  17. Goes break while in combat. So i buy private script. It run where is aggressive monsters right. And it probably decides to go break like 3 sec before entering area with monster -> in those 3 secs, he tryes to click log-out button, but gets attacked. And don't understand that so dies because tryes to logout. It's problem how osbot handles logout while in combat and should be fixed? Idk, strange no one else have this problem or guy who made my script should be able make some easy work around?
  18. @Explv hey, what method it does use for fire runes? RoD or simple duel arena running? And does it work okay with breaks?
  19. when script will be up? how much is it going to cost?
  20. I tryed Cannon mode + mage base combat + fight alongside cannon + smart safespot / no smart safespot / tryed select safespot by pressing f6 so it would use cannon correctly if no other cannon around. But would fuck up much on getting back to safespot. I mean, it kinda missclick npc alot, so run out of safespot, still takes alot of time to run back to safespot. So what i did, i did Right click NPC only, so it would not miss them. It helped a lot. I did fight tiles bound with f7 too. Even tho i did that, it would sometimes run into random direction and then try come back to cannon, would repeat that for few times. Fix it self. Will test normal safespotting one day, and will prob try GDK plugin once v169 pushed.
  21. Could someone inform what is +- minimum req for this script to work? Do triden help a lot? there is a lot of guides out there..and i never did barrows so yh...any info welcome
  22. ITS NOW LIVE!!! v168 is LIVE! omgomg lets go try it out..
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