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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. 50m for 85 mining..this must be a joke or something like that..wtf..50m for 85 mining? where you sold your account?
  2. @Chris can i ask why there is such low money made in your script paint of all users? i mean, run for 48 days and oly 235m made...was just curious maybe because not much ppl use it or its broken? I need gdk killer to suicide by few accounts, so deciding to buy or not to buy!
  3. Sounds nice man. And about green dragons. how would it select spot for them? and are green dragons fully supported atm?
  4. 1 - not detect monsters in cage. Some monsters in ardy zoo (selecting NPC by name does not work too) 2 - when safespotted ankous, would run out of safespot and would NOT comeback to safespot until NPC is dead. Would NOT eat too. Basicly, death for pure. @@Czar
  5. anyone can confirm that they are using this script for safe spotting with no problems? not caged monsters but ones where u hide behind rock / obtacle / anything?
  6. Falador is working, but man.. it goes crazy fast with attacking another npc, never sleeps. If area has other ppl in it, and it's not packed with monsters..it will attack already attacked monster so fast..i mean, it's ok for goldfarming at druids..but in terms of safety..not good. Second thing, safespotting is very bugged. I tryed to safespot ankous. I select area, select safespot...everything is "perfect" until it goes out of safespot becouse npc walks to far away..account goes out of safespot, gets attacked, and bot wount eat + go back to safespot until it's finished killing npc. Almost died 2-3 times on my pure as ankous hit 8-6. This happens with v1.62.5
  7. @Khaleesi can i use this script as Host only? like, stay in his house and don't log out or smth like that?
  8. @Czar looting bag support? And lets say for Falador shortcut to taverly dung (climb wall) bot allways runs to same spot (3 or 4 tiles from wall) stops in that spot, exact same spot, and then goes to wall. Also, i tryed to use low-resource mode and man it started to freez and lagg as fuck. Can't test anything too much atm as everytime i run something doesn't work out. So waiting for 1.62 push and then will give more accurate bug-report.
  9. So can someone confirm that this is fully working high profile script?
  10. @Czar Am i missing something, or this AIO fighter does everything? I mean - Cannon / anti-pk / jewelery teles / green dragons support / hop if too much players / safespot / alch / mage-kill? How well does it support dungeons / ladders / stairs to my spot?
  11. this meme-generation with trump in front of them is going to make world even more retarded now...
  12. Idea of account having only 1 password (no changes ever) and never email registred would increas something? Also, login is fake email, non exist.
  13. Okay, so got htis one. Not so maxed, left ~1m str xp to 99. Fight arena / vampire slayer / waterfall done. https://gyazo.com/6587098a3b2b3b1a7f707377f8c29c34
  14. hm cost this sponsor thing, and what the benefits?
  15. @FrostBug You have plans to make lite version of this, so ppl can use it just to know when / what to pray flick / what safe spot to use / when to eat etc.? more like not fight caves skript, but fight caves helper for lower price? Or maybe even add function to script - use as helper - disables all bot input to acc.
  16. So wait, you script can get me from zero to mithril hero? (i'm talking about mithril gauntles here) @@Token
  17. So you didn't answered my question. You provide original email with account, or you keep it, or there is no original log-in email? And saying that ppl can easly recover account without original email is kinda...ohh well, doesn't matter tbh..i take my bid back lol.
  18. @dontbuzz So you keep original email and only change email to mine? Or maybe there is no original email or smth? Strange, it's obvious you are not new with account selling and have sold few, yet you can't provide original email...looks sketchy. EDIT: I bid 15m.
  19. I could put a potato aswell. For a retard like you should be no much different.
  20. Don't. It's such a waste of time man. I had this feeling i want to try out pk with gmauler. I made bunch of different pures and such. And man, gmauelr are worst, atleast at low lvl's. It's absolutaly cancer - most kills all because of luck - rusher everywhere - only LUCK COMBO nothing much. then boring fight to end or teleout. and fight takes like 10 seconds if you get luck / enemy get luck on combo. It was so dissapointed in pking with gmauler that idk...wow
  21. whata bout those sexy bitches avatars alot of user use? is this somekind of new faggot trend here or smth? put a sexy bitch on avatar. I better put sexy jesus
  22. Well, problem is that i bot those, so with botting something for someone else there is allways more problems. Second, i'm going to a big trip very soon so i have no time for services like this. maybe when i will sattle and have internet and everything :p P.S. I do have similar to this. 40.91.40 - with no emails registred - fake login emails. but oh well, thats not what u need.
  23. https://gyazo.com/da0d0a04f27f4357f9abf353fdc788d3 So one guy started to buy my farm of those, i sell 60eu / each. Is this O.K. price or i could get way more with opening account shop here?
  24. Bought it. Will test soon and will give a proggy if everything works (: EDIT - works with no problems so far. https://gyazo.com/80b3b0e01f2df946820c91e4d501895b
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