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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. The moral of story should be - Don't be fucking noob and go search for friends outside, not on some fuckign stupid webs like Badoo or what ever.... Oh...you are from 'murrica...it's ok...it's ok.
  2. So trueeee.. I'm sick of ppl offering play legit, DO QUESTS???? , some activity..lol, are you are fucking out of your mind ppl... I better jump off of clif then play this gay game legit....
  3. I'm not sure whats the point saying this to the community, but your avatar is smexy....
  4. U call this tragedy? Dudeee, i was buying Yew Longs today, and instead of 21k yew longs, i got 21k maple longs..that was like 6m loss lol.
  5. Mmmm, why call ukrainians whore? It's obvious that this was done by russians, and it's 100% they did this. If you have no idea about what ppl talk, then don't even post useless crap like this, dumbfuck.
  6. Interacting with eqp. still buggs and diselect eqp.
  7. If high lvl stats, and nice armor, then bossing? You could camp gwd with solo/team. If you would do this every day atleast 3hour, i htink you could push some nice money and the end of month. Or maybe bossing wild bosses?
  8. So, will the equepment diselecting bug will be fixed in next update, or it is doing this only for me?
  9. Looks like Osbot 2.2.5 have had to fix problems with Equepment, but it didn't. It still diselect my RoD Instead of rub it. And script stops. I am using Super Script Factorry.
  10. Wait, so law crafting works atm?
  11. Hey, have you fixed the RoD teleporting bug i mentioned? (:
  12. I would agree with you, that smth is not good. I log-into rune miner i bought from a guy who don't bot. I log in to account, walk to rune spot, mine 1 rock, bam, teleported to bot world. Today account got perm ban. Yes, i am sure the guy didn't botted with account.
  13. I even had to google translate wtf means "peasant". And i can say nice words my friend...nice words..
  14. going to try out law's until SSF fixed. Hope wount get ban and will push some nice proggys untill it's free. EDIT -> Always rub RoD 2x times. Do not wear it but use it in inv, so less profit/h. And now after 10mins stuck on Law altar. doing nothing. with option tab opened. I opened inv manualy, then rubed ring and so on. EDITv2 -> Always stuck on altar with opened option tab.
  15. this guy know what he is saying. tell what he does, and you'll be fine...
  16. Anime sucks just like this thread. Cya
  17. don't get it..? like, point is that you got pure ess in f2p?
  18. As i know wildereness is best palce to mine rune ore for lvl 3 noob? And when mining there, some one knows best banking method? Like, run to mage bank..or run to lvl 20 wild and teleport..or something else?
  19. I have no idea, but this might be true? Like, why not?
  20. I run 24/7 buyer script on 2 accounts. Both run's for ~2 months now. One account was 2d banned before for random reasons. So i think that you have bad proxys with flagged subnet or w/e.
  21. Idk wtf is this, but looks cool.
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