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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. I don't even thisn you need those req. Cuz you need to get in boat, talk with pirates, remove some marks and done, you are in island. So i think you don't need any of those stats, but im not sure.
  2. cool EDIT: Dont give to any mods or anyone, if it really works, just open sevices for unbanning some accounts. You don't need to prove anything.
  3. Would be cool if only botter who bot on those mains would show..Atleast for me, it's 0 intrest in legit banks..
  4. Atleas i didn't saw even single complain about script.
  5. One thing is Bot/take services, sell gold you earn w/o bots/ etc. And another thing is lure guy and just take all his cash. With botting, i take money from game, and i sell to ppl. With services, i get payed for smth i done to another person. And you, you just scam the god dam gold from a guy that he might payed irl $$, or maybe was grinding 1 years to get it from his skilling/pking what ever. I can't see different of luring, and lets say account recovering. Same shit, u make traps for a guy, and u just take his irl/ingame money, leaving it without anything.
  6. Last time Laz was online on 17 june..so don't expect anything more then "we should probably maybe release on maybe probably that or maybe that date"..
  7. Find account in Lumby, teled with Ring Of Life. And there was still some food in inv, so probably random.
  8. Testing now. Looks good. Maybe moving to crab only in minimap isn't best way...i think you could add that it would walk near crab sometimes just by cliking on screen, not only minimap. EDIT ->
  9. Mmmm, probably when i was around 14....no, maybe 12 or so...i got like 60 mage/att/str/wc. Droped that shit, and after few years started to bot..do this till now, with breaks. And im 21.. Basicly, never played this game legit, only when there was few months of pking, but no...i can't paly more then 15-20mins this game anymore.
  10. Can i ask what exact it would do...? i remember flipping in eoc, but isn't it same as mech? Idk..
  11. dam, i use autobuyer for month or so on 2 accounts 24/7. And one of those accounts was banned month ago with botbusting moderate using autotyper in w1. Idk why ppls say autobuyers are highest ban rates..? why? How it can be more high ban rate then any other script..
  12. didn't tryed legacy, and not gonna waste time for that. Dam, i don't even play osrs...for me..its CashScape...
  13. this cartoon/anime/pokemon stuff soo suck...jesus, everywhere..all the time. Ofc, as an art you made, it's nice, still you got skill and so on..but cmon, why you guys are so freaked about those anime/pokemon stuff..
  14. Any one can tell me where to get that free trial, where do i download?
  15. Would love to recive 24h trial!! Hope you'll share! http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38600-shrooms-flawless-fungus-farming-300kh-free-trial/
  16. as i remembe, there is something interact with player by name, so yh. then, after trade you do alot of interface options, and vuala.
  17. 'first time hear this. don't sound as a true...
  18. Not surprised you have tard mentioned in your nick name..
  19. It's ban waves man, every thurstday, and the next day (idk how its called lol) there is ban waves. So don't bot at that time.
  20. Idk, this would be insane awesome, instead of have opened bunch of clients..
  21. You are probably so proud that you are from australia....wow, just wow. And you probably go only forward, just like kangaroos....wow, just wow
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