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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. you can find more info about this method on reddit. I saw there was guy telling it is ran by 2 guys. no bots.
  2. no wonder you are ex-staff...ex...EX EX
  3. I'm still waiting for more offers, as i expected lower then 80m. But in case i would not find cheaper, i'll might add you then!!
  4. Added. Would consider if you will pay for MM. Basic. Barrows / d boots / fury etc. Its ALL 1 stats Exept melee / hp / ~40 range. 9
  5. I can't imagine profit, if you run this automated, it means it's something that does not require much stats or quests or other req. and those methods are fast banned ones..so it's like, low profit but huge mass pays off at the end? just because of big number of accounts?
  6. 80+ Combat stats. atm 1 pray, but would do 43 probably. I supplie everything + you keep all loot. No bots, i'll ask random levels osbuddy photos. I would want it to be done in bond time (~14d). I pay with osrs gp. I would go first to some more trusted guys. Leave offer here or PM. Thanks.
  7. yah, really intresting about that account creator thing , now days you can't last too long no matter what. how complicated thing like this could be and what price should be consideret minimum for script like that? what you do about captcha? and 100acc. so i could imagine atleast 5 different methods? so thats 5 different account types with quests and such..how you handle that much work? even if you automate core things..thats still soo much work.
  8. Oh man, i wish i would win because i'm poorfag who travels in canada and everything here is expensive af so i save those 10$ u know..
  9. LowCPU mode i selected in GUI gave 0 rezults. My vps cpu would be 100% all the time. I left GUI blaned out for lowCPU and just selected thin in bot options. Client use way less cpu.
  10. @ProjectPact Hi, is this normal pattern for traps layout? https://gyazo.com/fe9ef0053b61b2a7cafe5e3c3ca4399d Can i add my own tiles to set traps?
  11. @ProjectPact Could i ask for trial? Liked thread.
  12. Can i use quick hop that is used when hunting black chins (hop from players on minimap) while hunting red/black salamanders.
  13. @ProjectPact hi, can i use my own tiles for traps? If it hits level 20 will it start to use 2 traps instead of one or i have to select trap number in GUI? Can quick hop be used even if not doing black chins? thanks. Trial would be nice maybe.
  14. Something like..java leaks rams, so eventualy your vps runs out of rams. Try update java, reinstall client, or ask guy who made your script for help.
  15. Looks. from my point of few this game is already gross enough to give 0 fuck about how gross that 5/6 or 2 def looks lol.
  16. Making bank while doing some pot of flour https://gyazo.com/a24c690be5ba7c9f195f9bfeb054077f
  17. I would would go 5att / 6 str for 2 max hit and jut do that 4x faster then 1/1/75. You get +cmb lvls from that i think. Can even pk if u good with timing..lost like 3x dfs's in w337 lel
  18. @Czar so is it working atm? Gdk plug in?
  19. Everything he did was wrong lol. Everything how he did it was fucking even more wrong and bad. And it's so obvious..because the way he was doing politics was autistic. Thats why it ended up like that + downfall u mention about cooking a lot of ppl. Not only jew's. There is no way he could be great minded man in any way. Because great minded man's leave something valuable after them not nazi crap shit and racism lol. You have no idea what he was and what he did and how long his "great country" lasted...
  20. anyone tested, still not working after update?
  21. Heello, todays RS update could effect pip quest? ~The fight with the Temple guardian during Priest in Peril is now instanced.
  22. does it go well with pures? Or not working for pures? i know defence doesn't do big role at zulrah if u pray correctly, so yh, curious.
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