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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    no, atleast it doesn't buy for me.
  2. Didn't seen that 10sec timer. will try test today more. For potions i haven o idea how it works, but it would not drink them at all (42 att / 65 str)
  3. @Czar I missed it or you did not add feature "Break tiles" for sand crabs? Don't drink combat potions too. I doubt it does hop when someone is under me. And crashed couple times randomly in aggro reset tiles / coming back from there. I used walking method 2 so idk, maybe that cause problem. will use method 1 instead to see if same happens.
  4. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    Linux VPS, did not worked with breaks @Fruity I tested same options day before, and it was working and breaking and so on...but this night it would not work - https://gyazo.com/19db96afe1ae19acc9d35f7149b624e3
  5. PA is your friend and will pay you cosmos.
  6. is there are somekind of guide / explanation somewhere how to use CLI and everything on linux, or you just figured everything yourself? @Montana of 300
  7. I hope no. this community does not diserved script like this.
  8. you must start script with NO ITEMS IN GE waiting to be sold/bought. It means all 3 / 8 spots must be empty. Buying items for insane price is done intensionaly, so there is no pending orders. So no matter what item it buys for quest, bot wount have to wait insane amount of time to buy some random items.
  9. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    no. Just grab 5 prayer pots for first trip - to gather enought points for ~6 overloads and ~20 absorbs + rock cake and you are good to go. after 1st trip you will have enougt points for 10x more trips + herb boxes. Next trip you'll have enought points for imbues etc.
  10. Yoo guysm anyone tested this lately? Kinda need 36 wc + 31 crafting + 10 fishing and this was my Gem, but not sure how is it running ATM?
  11. you sure you pushed update? your ETA was for saturday
  12. every time i tryed to use my own preset gear with magic it would not select fire strikes spell and would try melee every boss. even if i DID selected / loaded / saved preset gear WITH fire strikes . So idk, i would take you advice but i can't. And i only use Linux vps so maybe thats the problem, idk. EDIT - you could also impliment couple of changes, like don't use teleport tabs. Default Gear - fire staff / magic ammy / fire strikes. So we would not have to make our own gear for custom quests / quest orders. Because now most problems ppl have with this script is Gear..
  13. yoo guys, so what is better, higher melee (like 70's) or like 61 range / 75 mage and some defence? would like to try this out but have never done barrows in my life, not botter, so have no idea what stats you need. Looked over thread but couldn't find too much info so yh. I saw ppl do it with like 24hp and fire strikes..would script be able to do it with like 45hp / 43 prayer / 50 range and like 75 mage or something like that?
  14. u do about 1k strikes / hour. so, 1k Bloods (fire waves is best) * Blood runes price = 1 hour cost of blood runes (if no other runes used?) 1 Hour of blood runes / 82k xp/h = u get the answer i think
  15. I assume you are mostly powerleveling? would it be worth do lunars on 1 pray and get all the req just for Me boss? And i can see you don't use demon at all?
  16. what xp/h you get maging with that dude doing nmz, not splashing? How long does 1k absorbs last on those mains? i assume they are less then 70defence? Why you don't camp crabs and powerlevel pures? would be more profit then from mains..?
  17. nu visiskai random
  18. what is teamwire? is it something like team viewer?
  19. Ok, so i checked crab plugin. Only thing is missing is - Break + worldhop tiles. They could be combined into one param, where u set Tile, and account before break / hopping from crash runs and then hops. So you don't have aggro on you when trying to do that and you are guaranteed to logout.
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