Testing crabs -> using walking option 1 and then 2, bot still goes to charters and swims to karamja for some reason (old problem) This is months old problem, i remember i had this shit like month or even more ago.
Task system is not working -> set to get me 40 attack + 50 str. Find my man in morning with 50 str and 44 attack. Script paint was saying - Stopping @ 40 attack but it still was killing npc's. Also months old problem.
Tryed kill caged npc's. If both NPC's are dead, bot will start to run around cages like mad clicking all over the place until NPC spawns (somekind of walking problem and caged monsters probably)
So i tryed to use "Fighting zone" thing, with F7. Not works at all. If i select fighting zone, bot stops to attack NPC's at all. (again, caged monsters)
Haven't used safe spotting thing, but i'm pretty sure it's still comes back to safespot slowly and it's not that great safespotter.
All in all, i tryed to use this script..last 3 months, and would say it never was working like it should. There is allways BUNCH of problems, bugs, fails etc. same problems happens after months.
I really like you czar, you are very active and try to put new stuff in, but what can i say..script is allways full of bugs and there is more things that does not work compared what is working.