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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. i did this, and funny thing - after i add all the info and press big yellow button, they send be back to home page of rs web..so idk, is this how it works, or it's just not working for me? cuz i could expect they would need appeal from me, like explanation what happened and so on?
  2. Is there any kind of "rules" you have to follow to be able to appeal about macro bans? Like account have to be older then X, or you must also have rs3 account or smth like that? i tryed to appeal one mule, but they would not even allow me send them appeal
  3. you are good.really good.i'm impressed
  4. i was thinking he got somekind of ban nuke @ 2002, but then i realised that he created account back then, not that he got banned at that date. so my whole joke looks stupid now
  5. it's almost 2.7k..not 3k..thats 300 days less then you sayed...jesus fucking crist, can't trust no one now days..everyone lie..
  6. well, depends what you call "switching"? If you are just playing, and for some reason want to use osbot client instead of Osbuddy, i would say there is no difference. Well, there is a slim chance to get banned just for using client without botting, but it's soo small you shouldn't even consider about that.
  7. Buy 10$ (or whatever price for script is) from resellers OR for paypal. And buy it on Store -> https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/ It's for accounts with defence that does not need food because crabs don't hit them.
  8. jesus, there was game update like what..30 minutes ago..and you guys already spam forum. noobs allways gonna stay noobs.. P.S. go read what kind of udpate was so you will understand why you magic scripts are broken...
  9. As far as i don't see client in mint condition, i don't support any ideas that removes devs time from client.
  10. is this a real price for accounts like this, or it's just you?
  11. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    It's bugged and happens to me too. I asked fruity about it, but looks like not sure what cause it to happen. All you can hope is he will fix it soon, or just ignore it. Sucks if you run it on pure..
  12. I provide 4 accounts - 20Agility - 24 HP + 1m Cash each You need to do - Vampire slayer + Fight arena + Grand tree + Tree gnome village + Mountain daughter I Pay with rsgp. I go first. Only trusted please. PM or here. I would guess 10m for whole deal.
  13. yh, but if script isn't combat releated, but sometimes encounter npc and gets in combat..then scripter can say "fuck you deal was to do the the job, not to avoid combat, and it's not my problem that Client is broken and tryes to go break while in combat" I was buttfucked by scripter like this, and it was not cool.
  14. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    Breaks does not work only for me? Would go to break and never comes back.
  15. Testing crabs -> using walking option 1 and then 2, bot still goes to charters and swims to karamja for some reason (old problem) This is months old problem, i remember i had this shit like month or even more ago. Task system is not working -> set to get me 40 attack + 50 str. Find my man in morning with 50 str and 44 attack. Script paint was saying - Stopping @ 40 attack but it still was killing npc's. Also months old problem. Tryed kill caged npc's. If both NPC's are dead, bot will start to run around cages like mad clicking all over the place until NPC spawns (somekind of walking problem and caged monsters probably) So i tryed to use "Fighting zone" thing, with F7. Not works at all. If i select fighting zone, bot stops to attack NPC's at all. (again, caged monsters) Haven't used safe spotting thing, but i'm pretty sure it's still comes back to safespot slowly and it's not that great safespotter. All in all, i tryed to use this script..last 3 months, and would say it never was working like it should. There is allways BUNCH of problems, bugs, fails etc. same problems happens after months. I really like you czar, you are very active and try to put new stuff in, but what can i say..script is allways full of bugs and there is more things that does not work compared what is working.
  16. i wish osbot would havel working break handler so there would be no need to hardcode anything..right now it's totaly shit with lots of bugs and you never know if shit will work or not..not talking about combat scripts that are totaly doomed to be fucked up..
  17. same here! but i tryed to ask same question like week ago or smth..no one replayed. I think you can go with 60range / 75 mage and like 50 def or smth like that. 43 pray. pip quest
  18. guywithlsd


    dude, there is some zulrah helper where it shows what to do..no skill needed...with pretty much zero expierence, with 1def pure i did first kill in ~3.30 or smth lol.. and continued better. Doesn't matter if iban blast, still, can do it with not that much efforts..wish my ironman could kill zulrah..got 2d ban on 74 agil -.-
  19. isn't earth runes better xp + if you use varrock tele it's kind of really good xp without any slaves or shit? never tryed waters so don't know.
  20. if im not too high now...1 years ago wasn't 1990's. and it's kind of a fact that when they are in office, you get hammered harder and faster.
  21. depends where from you take your prices...with your logic - services cost 250m - account worth 50m. now, if you come here to spread your wisdom, move to another topic, thanks.
  22. 1,5h only 50m? I mean ppl charge 25-30m for halo alone..im pretty sure i will get 70m..maybe nit here tho..
  23. halo / books / i think pretty much full gracefull / quested no mith gloves. NMZ ready, no bans. https://gyazo.com/6086d3b03d6f760dc5ade9c831126fdd
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