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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. @Baltazar Hi, how much Regicide + all pre-quests? 60agility, main with defene.
  2. you can't like someone who is trying to feed you with his "do it, i know, bealive me, im best, im baller"
  3. https://gyazo.com/787e5a8534f4c7f4a0544fd1b0a7da36 https://gyazo.com/f1a5f2b4d47b942192a4a004ccb2ae9d Regicide done. what can i expect?
  4. @Czar reporting in! Sand Crabs working well for some time now! Good job man, more or less this is really perfect script ; D https://gyazo.com/e6db9976544493e501c4579fca68cf45
  5. Does it goes to portal to get stats refreshed? Hows the script from your expierence? got any luck major problems? So, you can make killcount for npc's in tunnels manualy if i understand correct? and just do those 5 skellys or 7 worms and you are good to go, what else you can't find in script?
  6. @littlet I am pretty sure you can't load client with selected proxy, if proxy is down.. don't know as a fact.
  7. Looked at wrong website. Thats really funny. Make a meme now
  8. Plugin. Sand crabs. Far east. 8 potions / 4 of str and 4 of att. 4 doses. No-food was not enabled. Inv was only food and potions. But when it was going to bank, it had some gp because ring of wealth collects gp. I ALWAYS use breaks with every script i bot (: (unless script is shit and doesnt work with breaks ). And your script is not shit. this setup got me already couple hundred xp in past couple days. And this happens if you don't have anymore potions left in you bank. But this time i was stocked. p.s. It also didn't hop to another world if someone crash you. Not all the time. Probable because for example - crab A attacks me, but crab B attacks crasher. So we both still get in combat every 20 secs or so. I guess script don't trigger hop cuz my acc still gets in combat often.
  9. 3$ea if you buy 50+ thats not cheap.
  10. wants Good AND cheap in one place....that never works...
  11. @Czar whole night sand crab plugin was clicking bank -> walk to spot -> then when bank interface is closed, open bank again -> walk to spot in loop had all supplies in bank. Potions / food. Everything was working good for couple hours. not first time this happens. Couldn't cap .gif so got this. https://gyazo.com/6acc9f341145f63e79a23c2150ee5436 https://gyazo.com/6fb2af701d2f7d3719051dbe6ea0a844
  12. @Explv break handler is fucked up. 2 accounts will be banned just because that..sad story god dam it.. for 1 account it would not even trigger. so it was working for 3-4 hours straight. For another one it was like this - https://gyazo.com/6851066edf0e657357e56897d9c5e95d was spamming breaks non-stop one after another. it should be 45mins bot 15min break.
  13. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity https://gyazo.com/be7bbbf0dcf9ffa96c981fe2d224a80c - this one, logged in back manualy, and it works. Or not rock caking to 1hp. sometimes. 1/3 bots will do this every night - https://gyazo.com/3081d79fdbb341bc0283a3b5472c20ef pretty much same bugs every single night for month now. replay from you - never happened. i remember i asked you on chat for this shit - i think you said "already fixed, should be updated anytime" And i get random bugs like these EVERY SINGLE NIGHT Not even using breaks..cuz that shit fuk up script even more with random crashed / logouts / not be able log back in / etc etc. After getting almost 100m xp with this script. I can say - not worth it. (if you run 1 account and just want to go for few mil xp, suure, it's best script with no limits for life time, but if you got for bigger farms with some dates ad what day / in what period of time you want to finish projects...forget it)
  14. account'S... big reseller taken down..niiice
  15. i think..well, who cares for real? if dude is positive about OO and he says he will pay back if buyer gets scammed, who cares who is OO? I mean you buy account from decode, not zerker, so decoded is responsible..simple? he could lie and tell someone else is OO or he is OO. something happens - he gets banned or give back monay ANYWAYS. no other way around it no matter who is OO... This forum is more and more retarded with meme lords / trolls posting shit all over the place every day...
  16. Don't waste time and money on something you don't need. You need proxys / vpn / vps only when you run more then 1 account.
  17. those ppl with their "hurr durr made 15b i know a lot.." atleast for once any of you noobs show you bills as loot or atleast something that would make someone bealive in you...oh wait, you can't....
  18. 80 range / 80 mage. 50+ def. 60 Agility. skills for NMZ quests + Rock cake. No registred emails. Fake login emails. example - guywithlsd@zulrah.ded Got 2x of those. Can make custom for you with same combat stats. If interested, shoot me a PM.
  19. What i can remember, recoils give you very fast ban..so i would recommend suicide @ weekend. But you know..you could put 5 accounts with breaks, nice shedule, all those safety "rules" etc. And rest suicide. Testing is allways good, who knows, you might see that those 5 accounts will survive and will make you 2x what they would have made if you would have suicided right..?
  20. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    this have been happening to me from the first moment i started to use this script..like month ago.. @Fruity do you ever replay to this thread? or you only replay to your Zulrah? And this time bot was logging back for hours..you can see everything in photo. inv setup was ready to go back to dream. dream was not boght. not sure why would it want to go to bank. https://gyazo.com/bff3decef2929fbeebc2f1ddba790286
  21. https://gyazo.com/055240a9d870bef2a0aa584fa8ffc9fb No underground pass or regicide or ava.
  22. @Czar Jeez dude, don't buy that account. I'll turn off those and will test again without those options. I just need to know few things: 1 - do i need to create new GUI opts every time i test some options? i mean, create new profile for every test run or i can use same old saved options and then play around with opts every time i re-run script 2 - do i have to restart client every time after stoping script to have break handler working?
  23. Go with premium first. private script in such a place like abbys rcing not going to give some kind of significant different in ban rates..it's more about how you do it, not with what you do it. And if you plan to do 2< acc's then do it with proxys. or VPS's if you get them at really good price (i get them 2$ea that runs 1 bot, so it's way better then proxys in my case) As for lvls. 40-45 defence / ~40 hp / 55 mining / agility and you are good to go. Thats what i used to run and it was perfect. Not with osbot tho, so can't guarantee.
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