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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. yessir. probably better then risking getting crashed / death while breaking in combat, or end up doing barrows 12hour straight because account couldn't logout (?) i prefere lower gp/h over how long accounts last before ban.
  2. you could do stand and do nothing 1 minute until break in bank. And when 1min starts, it uses Teleport to bank method, runs to bank and stands there for 1min? nothing strange about standing @ bank afk for couple mins (?) and would solve break issue. EDIT: because i was interested to buy it but i saw this guy saying that breaks are problematic and thats really important in my eyes to bot longer periods.
  3. where is the problem? there is multiple scripts that support - break tile Or for example, private script i got, goes to AFK state for like 2-5mins at certain area before break occurs so it's 100% not in combat the moment break starts.
  4. @Czar dude you got skype / discord or smth? i want to ask you couple things but you do not replay to my pm's
  5. it support them, you just have to select some options - Like stay away 2 tiles from NPC and like, don't retaliate combat. I would offer you use Search option and look for steel dragons or other things u need. most likely answer is already in this thread.
  6. Hello, you are one of those autistic edgy-cancerous ppl i was talking about. bye
  7. try go blackhatforums, they have fucktons of proxy providers with lots of reviews.
  8. my man, i didn't tested yet, will do it today and will report back!
  9. if you get 1b in a couple days then you should not even care about bans lol, by the end of week you'll have the money back. try to use more mules next time, if playing with big amount of gold?
  10. why don't you sell your gold for months and hold it on mules..? i mean, why ppl do that.. fuck i sell shit every 1-3 days and i have lost not more then few hundred mills to mule bans in years.
  11. /@Czar dude, does this use bones to peaches tab to make some food out of bones? and aprox how long until you push guthans support?
  12. Like it was mentioned before, tell options / place you use it at. thing is, that stuff like - loot only my target. Smart safespot with caged NPC's etc. can make problems. But i can't lie, safespotting npc's if they are not caged / behind fence is messy.
  13. id say 1ghz + 1gb ram is something that handles basic script.
  14. I doubt it will ever work, your best bet Private script or wait for premium stand alone script for this. @Czar hey. So i found my account like this - running to bank i think, idk what for, because inventory was kind of ready to go FROM bank to spot = pots + food. The same second i opened bot client i saw my account running to this spot, and getting attacked by crab -> finished AFKing killing crab, and stayed in that spot with this error --> https://gyazo.com/37ee833d010c0c905b7de1ce05a01d49 P.S. https://gyazo.com/d40053807d82c4d40bda71ead816d7ec Looks like account was trying to logout for couple times, idk at what stage, but around same time this error happened. To bad i cant see what was logger before error happened.
  15. AGS pure. Fire cape + Mith gloves + books. Can access thzaar runite mine / gem shop ETC. Photos -> 75m I am OO. Fake login email. Runite miner with high thieving. Attack quested. Golem Pet - It's dismounted so account need p2p to see it. For serious buyer, i could make account p2p before buying to show it if BUYER covers cost of bond. Photos -> 60m I am OO. Fake login email.
  16. you do only quests, or quests + skills?
  17. and i payed 10m/acc lol...you are very very cheap, or sythe Donators charge insane amounts. Ill pm you when i will need more.
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