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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. @Czar what can i say man.. Coming back to safespot if it walks out of safespot while trying to reach nps - same bugged. will not go back and just finish kill https://gyazo.com/0156fa33474f7a0eeb011dd991d5113a Looting is bugged - will not pick up about 20% of loot. happens with all items, not only noted. pretty much anything that is stackable or noted is buggy - Nature runes / noted big bones is biggest problem. Almost Never loot after kill. I have selected, loot only my target + wait for loot. And still kill's npc -> wait for 2-5 secs -> attack another npc. After that, goes looting. OR kill's npc, gets drop. Kills another npc. Get another drop. Goes looting 1str drop leaving second one on ground <- this one happens not all the time. Sometimes it does loot both items. So, i got full inventory. I have selected - Eat for loot. Left 3x drop on ground without eating to loot. 2 of those drops was stackable - nature runes and something else. TL;DR - everything is same, it's just not teleporting out of came randomly after all update.
  2. @Czar i will test it tomorrow and will report back how it goes!
  3. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity https://gyazo.com/83de4ff2785bcb2b349b52bf98558af9 - as u can see break handler triggered for 20 seconds when it should have been 60minutes. Happens pretty much every day on 1 out of 3 accounts atleast. EDIT - https://gyazo.com/bdae88375700802ace3e92eb31802f1f one account was stocked with absorbs and shit another one had no more absorbs in barrels. same error. 3rd account was doing o.k but with no breaks, as u can see from first screen.
  4. @Czar Might be because of rs update, but i started at kurasks, and bot attack kurask and just teleported me to Camelot (was selected in traveling options) and then started to run back to spot. Also, instead of going to bank grab Cammelot tab, it started to run back to kurask's. Stopped script after that. Now i tested this again, because everything i said ^^ was yesturday. Today same things happening. Pretty much attack kurask, click camelot tele and runs straight back to kurasks (idk if it would reach them, im pretty sure it crashed on the way standing and doing nothing) without even banking for cammy tele. Yesturday i used my old saved properties. Today i created fresh options, saved them, and it does same. .191 version. I have no clue why would it trigger banking and i have no clue why would it not go to bank for ammo / camelot teletab. Logger doesn't show any clear error that would say why does it bank.
  5. guywithlsd

    Fruity NMZ

    I need to do more testing on what hapened. could be on my end. Break handler is still not working and most of times woun't get triggered.
  6. maybe because u get banned everyday and u think thats normal
  7. was it worth botting zulrah instead of sellign acc for what the price those acc go, 70m?
  8. When GUI show up, There is a option bar at very top of GUI, where it says - Plugins (next to "Files") What you mean safespot is too fast? for me, if it walks out of safespot wwile trying reach npc thats too far away, it will pretty much wait 6-10 seconds before coming back to safespot tile..
  9. @Czar If it attack npc and stand in safe spot and i MANUALY like you show in your gif walk away from spot, it comes back to spot same second. But if it clicks on npc and bot runs away of safespot because it was forced to do so Example - npc is walking away from youand at a same moment bot clicks on it Attack..it will take a bit of time for bot to understand it's not in safespot anymore. EDIT - it will finish the kill, not a bit of time. Here is a gif i made when in walked away from safespot like i said - https://gyazo.com/a451fdad402c414b70ee412d4b39314d EDIT - https://gyazo.com/32d71ad567ccb0032a8e7dca0d14e415 happened like 5 times in 20mins run. Smart safespot enabled. Looting is kind of slow, and most of time it loots after it kills second npc. Not much of problem, but if it takes longer to kill npc - Like black dragons, acc will lose loot. EDIT for looting - Sometimes it skips looting for like 3-4 npc's until loot dissapears. Same item in same spot where it looted it couple of times already. Paint for looting is not working. Tbh it never did, at least what i have seen. EDIT - i mean it works, it shows somekind of values, but they are incorrect. + It always scan something when u start script and gp/h start to work from the moment i run script even tho i have not looted / dropped anything yet. Alching is bugged. Loot Alch item -> open mage tab -> select alch -> alch item -> without waiting a second it goes back to mage tab -> click spell -> nothing to alch -> tries attack NPC with Alch spell selected. Couldn't catch doing it but saw second time stucked like that after alching item. https://gyazo.com/1c95124c39c5294b8ed5b8ccf505a878
  10. going to test right away and will report later tonight or tomorrow. in whole 5 months i have never really tested safespotting lol... And as i can remember my bot would crash after X amount of time if i select mage/range based combat even if i'm having bolts. logger most of the time says - terminating script It's been a while i tried that option, so we will see.
  11. @Czar i don't get it then. I could not find an option in GUI where i could select - safespot. there is Smart safespotting, etc. but not simple - safespot or smth that would let me know that it's option for safespotting. And i never had F6 as safespot tile / never saw green tile as safespot.. i tryed all f'keys yesturday to test them and only f7 / f10 would do something . but f6 would do nothing. one of fX would hide paint. It makes sense it does not work if i don't select safespot, but how can i select safespot if i can't select anything in GUI related with this (?)
  12. There is still no tiles for safespot | Worldhop I checked my posts - December 20th 2016 (4-5 months ago) Me and some dudes was saying that it takes ages to come back to safespot. Bot misslick - and basicly finish kills out of safespot. After all this time and everything, behavior of bot when trying to safespot is same. takes ages to come back to safespot. Tryes worldhop while in combat. I think i am done with this script. I really can't see why should i use it..sure, it was cheap, there is no auth system and what not..but it's just not worth waste time if you have more then 1 account and you have clear plan what and where you want to bot. Sure, as a basic fighter it's good. but if you want to play with all the perks and "features" it has you are pretty much doomed in circle of testing / reporting whats not working - rinse and repeat.
  13. does not matter. All you have to do is not bot more then 1 account per ip.
  14. Max main staking is gambling. Odd staker with those stats is money maiking. But you need more then 1 acc. So you either want to gamble and make max main, or make couple odd stakers and do it for profit.
  15. guywithlsd

    NMZ on Zerk?

    Melee void is that bad..holy shit.
  16. im sure you did it on same ip..So, if it's done manualy, you guys really think they will unban 20 accounts that was appealed from same ip / on same email?
  17. lol, sure, offer him to try get quest cape before monday - it's like bulletproof vest from bans.
  18. Break handler in general is buggy. Bad thing it's client issue so will take ages to get fixed..
  19. @Czar hello. I hope it's not client bug..but if you stop script and then run it again, breaks will not work. Lost couple accounts already until realised that.
  20. @Czar hi. magic-based combat option does not work. I left account on firestrikes, with this marked in GUI, and after i ran out of runes it was still trying to kill NPC, so was clicking in loop on NPC. Thing is -- when you run out of runes, you have still selected Magic Based attack style in Attack style tab. This mean, bot probably still thinks that it has selected a spell. I could select Bank when out of runes, but i would like logout instead of walking somewhere.
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