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Everything posted by Stormtrooper

  1. Are you going to be overclocking at all? My build is very similar.
  2. A 500 post count is a lot. I've been a OG lurker since '13, and I still don't even have that much.
  3. If you do happen to have a good relationship with this dude then he would understand that taking this other job would be better for you. Then again man, do whatever makes you happy.
  4. Can I grab a trial? If it is as good as your Pest Control script I will surely buy.
  5. Around 5m-6m for 63, and around 8m for 73.
  6. The three minutes it actually takes? Yeah you should still be able too.
  7. wc and mining are some of the most ban heavy scripts, still surprised three bans at once though.
  8. What type of stuff were you botting?
  9. Its a crappy looking red Statius's warhammer, gg pking.
  10. The profit and profit per hour are only showing me how much coins I am getting. Was working perfectly last night though.
  11. Stormtrooper


    What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
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